Here are the various published books currently available by author and historian John J. Dwyer.
The Oklahomans Vol 2​​
His second and concluding book telling the history of Oklahoma, from statehood to pandemic…hard and lovely, violent and tender, foolish and valorous land of the second, third, sometimes last chance. Feel the scalding flames of Greenwood…choke on the Dust Bowl… liberate Dachau with the Thunderbirds…brave the Pacific in search of freedom from Communism…order a Coke from a lunch counter that won’t serve you…feel the world shake as the Murrah Building collapses around you…shield your students with your body as an F-5 blows down your school on you and them…love and defend your Patriot state and country in the 2020s as others hate and seek to destroy them both…
Climb into the cockpit with Dust Bowl farm boy and college football hero Lance Roark, and experience World War II as you never have, amidst the flaming skies over Europe, in history’s greatest aerial war. They are called “The Greatest Generation” for a reason. They took on the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the greatest totalitarian war machines the world has ever known. Learn how much it cost these brave American air warriors to win the war in the air so the soldiers below could win it on the ground.
Mennonite farm boy Lance Roark’s faith is as big as the challenges he faces on his family’s drought-ravaged Dust Bowl spread on the old Chisholm Trail. But OU football glory and the skills of a natural born flyer carry him away from home and into contact with famed aviators Charles Lindbergh and Wiley Post, entertainment icons Will Rogers and Bing Crosby, best-selling young author John F. Kennedy, and President Franklin Roosevelt.
The Oklahomans Vol 1
The unforgettable saga of America's last frontier—the Oklahoma Country. Never has the story of this great land and people been told like John will do it. Featuring the same colorful and readable format that has helped make his The War Between the States: America's Uncivil War a success, The Oklahomans will chronicle the saga of the winning - and losing - of a land. Some of the most famous cowboys, Indians, lawmen, outlaws, and explorers in American history stride across the pages of this unforgettable story. So do some of the country's greatest entrepreneurs, statesmen, Christian ministers, social pioneers, and athletes.
Riding the Shortgrass Country
Riding the Shortgrass Country, the eBook version of the prologue to John's upcoming novel Shortgrass, goes live on Amazon Kindle and elsewhere for only 99 cents. In it, Patrick O'Rourke and his six brothers have ridden a lot of trails since leaving Ireland. These include the Atlantic voyage, migrating west, soldiering alongside General Stand Watie and the Cherokee Mounted Rifles in the Indian Territory Civil War. Now only Patrick and his brother Joseph remain, driving longhorns up the Chisholm Trail. A ferocious band of Comanche warriors aims to stop them. Chapter 1 of Shortgrass is included!
When the Bluebonnets Come
John's first modern-day novel. The memorable tale of a Texas woman looking back on the few months in her bluebonnet country childhood that changed her life forever, and during which she watched her pastor father stand against a tide of outside forces far stronger than himself.
The War Between the States:
America's Uncivil War
Finally, the true story of America's greatest epic in one volume, featuring the causes, events, and consequences of the war. Over 500 illustrations, nearly 100 biographical sketches, the artistry of the renowned John Paul Strain, and a free online study guide for students and teachers.
Faith in Gods and Generals
Celebrated filmmaker Ron Maxwell (Gettysburg) wrote and directed a memorable treatment of Gods and Generals, Jeff Shaara's best-selling epic of the War Between the States. The 90-million dollar Warner Brothers production starred Robert Duvall as Robert E. Lee, Stephen Lang as Stonewall Jackson, and Jeff Daniels as Joshua Chamberlain.