The War Between
the States:
America's Uncivil War
Hot off the press and more timely than ever, the brand new FIFTH edition of the book that retired UCLA history lecturer Roger D. McGrath called "The best textbook for the high school, preparatory academy or junior college I've ever read" packs a wallop you won't forget and is more timely than ever. It's the definitive story of America's uncivil war, which changed the nation more than any other event. Seven hundred action-packed pages that will forever change the way you view the Civil War. Featuring the incomparable paintings of John Paul Strain, over 500 photographs, maps, and charts, and dozens of biographies of politicians, theologians, writers, soldiers, inventors, spies, nurses, and journalists.
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Over 700 pages
More than 530 illustrations
Nearly 100 biographical sketches
The historical artistry of John Paul Strain
A thorough examination of the war’s many causes
The dramatic story of the war itself
The dramatic but forgotten saga of Reconstruction
The religion of the people and era
The Study Guide for The War Between the States: America's Uncivil War provides you with a 150-page road map of the key points and themes of the entire 700-page book. This resource is the most comprehensive and factually-accurate available anywhere on this topic for home school, private school, and public school alike. All thirty-eight of the book's chapters have their own multi-faceted study packages. These include chapter summaries, key identification terms, completion questions, timeline exercises, and essay topics. The book also includes answer keys for all the objective-style questions.

The War Between The States by John J. Dwyer, et al., is the best textbook for the high school, preparatory academy, or junior college I've ever read. . . . (It) is a stunning success. . . . Dwyer writes clearly, concisely, and with insight and passion. Unlike so many authors in academe today, Dwyer loves his country and her people. . . . Moreover, the book is handsomely bound and well illustrated. If anyone is interested in a comprehensive and engaging, scrupulously fair and honest, one-volume text covering the American Civil War, its causes, conduct, and ramifications--and personalities, The War Between The States: America's Uncivil War is the one.
—Roger D. McGrath, retired lecturer in history, UCLA
The way in which historians describe the War Between the States is by far the worst case of political correctness that I have witnessed in my twenty-six years as a university professor. Thankfully, at long last, we have an antidote to this in the form of the beautifully-written and well researched book, The War Between the States: America's Uncivil War. It is comprehensive, learned, and beautifully presented. Every family in America--especially ones with school-aged children--should own it and study it.
—Thomas J. DiLorenzo, professor of economics, Loyola College in Maryland;
best-selling author of The Real Lincoln
Who, you say, needs one more account of the War Between the States and Reconstruction? Well, John Dwyer' s The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War isn't just "one more" contribution to a garrulous and usually opinionated succession of accounts. Judicious, clearly written, suffused with Christian knowledge and understanding, it stands out a mile.
—William Murchison, Dallas Morning News
Dwyer makes a host of good points and has a well-designed and well-carried out scheme. This will be a greatly useful work.
—Clyde Wilson, professor of history, University of South Carolina
Partial truths are more dangerous than open falsehoods, as error is more easily concealed and more difficult to uncover. The history of the Civil War taught in secondary schools is typically a partial truth that conceals more than it reveals. Dwyer corrects this error not by adopting a Southern point of view--though that view is rightly included—but with a magisterial account that comprehends both in a tragic story that most Americans have yet to confront.
—Donald Livingston, professor of philosophy, Emory University
John J. Dwyer's The War Between the States is an academic masterpiece. Exhaustively researched, historically accurate, and beautifully presented, it gives the student a cultural, economic, religious, and militaristic understanding of the most misunderstood conflict in American history. Without regional bias or political prejudice, Dwyer affords a sweeping look at the Civil War, and his more than 500 photographs, paintings, maps, charts, political cartoons, and biographical features make it come alive for the reader. This book is sure to become an academic classic.
—Jamie Johnson, National Association of Scholars
The best compilation of information, photographs, explanations, and worldviews on the War Between the States that I've seen, and it's presented in a smooth, flowing style with an even-handed tone.
—Patch Blakey, executive director, Association of Classical and Christian Schools
John Dwyer writes engagingly about a topic that has more lives than the toughest alley cat. For many years people on both sides of the issues surrounding the War Between the States have let biases and personal preferences lead their thinking. Instead, we must both know history and think biblically before we can unify our thinking in Christ. Could it be that Mr. Dwyer has taken these steps? Read on!
—Marlin and Laurie Detweiler, Veritas Press
Finally, a readable, comprehensive book on the Civil War that does that horrific event justice. Using all the best scholarship, and the skills of a born teacher, historian John J. Dwyer has provided homeschooling parents, and private and Christian schools, with just the book they need. None of the usual pap here: we learn the real reasons for the war, how it was fought, the truth about Lincoln, and what happened afterwards. It was with this monstrous event that America went off the rails. But it is not too late to return to the ideals of the framers. John J. Dwyer shows us that too.
—Lew Rockwell, president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute
John Dwyer's War Between the States continues his tradition of historical works that read like narrative backed by scholarship. He exhibits the courage to challenge long held biases on both sides of the divide with unvarnished facts. Add to this logos the beautiful arrangement of the work and the era paintings that make it a work of art worth browsing, and readers of many proclivities will find it worthwhile. I recommend it to anyone that desires to know the truth but wants to enjoy its pursuit, and I recommend it to my colleagues in classical Christian education as a text for studying America's uncivil war.
—Rodney J. Marshall, President and Headmaster, Coram Deo Academy