Video Presentations
John Tells OCPAC We Have Been Called “For Such a Time as This”
KFOR TV's Galen Culver Features John & "Oklahomans 2" on
"Is This a Great State or What?"
News9 TV Features John as its "Amazing Oklahoman" at Release of "Oklahomans 2"
John's Book Launch Talk - 4/21/22
The Oklahomans Volume Two Promo
The Oklahomans Volume Two Book Launch - 4/21/22
Mustang Trailer
The 2020 Battle for America’s History
John rousingly shares with the large Enid (OK) Rotary Club how the momentous events of 2020 in America and in Oklahoma have rendered the accurate study and teaching of history so important that the destiny of the nation depends on them. He also previews next year’s release of the epic second volume of his award-winning Oklahoma History project THE OKLAHOMANS, explores its emotional power, and discusses an exciting, patriotic movement to bring unwanted monuments to Oklahoma.
A Love Letter to My Dad and Grandson -- MUSTANG
John Talks Mustang, WW II, The Vets, PTSD on Kerby Anderson’s Point of View Talk Show
News9 TV Spotlights Mustang, PTSD, John's SNU Veteran Students
John's Memorial Day Address in Enid
John Shares the 33-Year Story Behind Mustang
Shortgrass (Promo)
The Oklahomans (Promo)
THE OKLAHOMANS - two-minute feature on OKC Channel 9 TV's six o'clock news
Watch John's illustrated, 9-minute talk "The Good, the Bad, and the OKC," about the early history of Oklahoma City. He delivered it at the annual SALLTed Conference, a one-day program designed for city leaders seeking to understand God's plan for their communities and how they can use their resources and spheres of influence to be "salt and light" there.
When the Bluebonnets Come (Promo)
The War Between the States: America's Un-Civil War (Promo)
Around the Campus:
The 'Around the Campus' TV program produced by Oklahoma City Community College features an interview with John about his Oklahoma Centennial Lecture Series. Downtown College Consortium Director Gary Davidson joins John as he discusses highlights from Oklahoma history, as well as the exciting — and sometimes surprising — beneifts of studying and knowing one's state history.
Graduation Speech :
'Graduation Day,' John's gripping (24-minute) Commencement Day speech, given before a standing room only crowd of over 700 people at the 2007 Coram Deo Academy High School Graduation ceremony in Flower Mound, Texas.