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America’s Greatest Citizen Soldier - Podcast


Oklahoma’s own “Citizen Soldier,” Lt. General Raymond McLain, left, leading some of America’s greatest battlefield victories, from the front.


America’s greatest “Citizen Soldier” helped plan the historic World War II victories he led years later across the battlefields of Europe, and he did so in a remote Edmond neighborhood. John’s good friend and pastor Wade Burleson, an award-winning author, broadcaster, and avocational historian, continues “The Burleson Chapters” of OKLAHOMA GOLD! during John’s sabbatical that his Red River Institute of History Board of Directors has asked him to take to complete THE OKLAHOMANS 2.

Wade and iHeartRadio star Gwin Faulconer-Lippert bring you the remarkable saga of Raymond McLain, the Oklahoma City man for whom a Tulsa high school is named, the 45th Infantry Division Thunderbirds he built, and the “rest of the story” of what happened at Anzio, Sicily, and Normandy. It’s the twenty-sixth episode of our weekly OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program and podcast. Go HERE to listen to them all! Future episodes explore more great heroes, events, and movements of Oklahoma History.


The largest parade crowd in Oklahoma history, 100,000 people, jammed 20 city blocks to cheer for hometown boy and Maj. Gen. Raymond S. McLain and the military parade given in his honor at the end of World War II. Here, a naval unit rounds the corner at Broadway and Main. Photo Bill Stockwell. Courtesy Oklahoma Historical Society.


Be sure to check out all of our other episodes of the weekly OKLAHOMA GOLD! radio program and podcast. Go HERE to keep up with them all. Future episodes explore more great heroes, events, and movements of Oklahoma History.


Many thanks to Atwoods Ranch and Home, a farm and ranch supply company based in Enid, Oklahoma, for their support of the Red River Institute of History and OKLAHOMA GOLD! Please support them as you are able! Wherever you are, you can order online from thousands of quality products on their terrific website HERE. Atwoods also has 66 stores in 5 states: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. In addition to farm and ranch supplies, Atwoods stores sell clothing, lawn and garden items, tools, hardware, automotive supplies, sporting goods, pet supplies, firearms, and seasonal items.

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