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An Oklahoma Cadet Remembers

Historians have well preserved the deeds of committed anti-Vietnam war college activists. They have not done as well for the many young patriots who donned the uniform of their country as cadets in their college Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). It was the most unpopular era in American history to do so. Some did it to dodge actual military service in Vietnam. Most, however, did so for love of country, support of its military and other institutions, and to better prepare themselves should they be called to the battlefront.

Following are the remembrances of one such young Oklahoman from the most tense period of Vietnam War protests at the University of Oklahoma, during and around spring 1970. “Charlie” requested anonymity, as he serves, to this day, among those men and women who defend America.

“During the practice drills for the final combined ROTC from all military services event that occurred in Owen Stadium, hippies on their bicycles rode in and out of the lines of our formation. Then during the actual event on Owen Field (the OU football stadium), my squad was first into the stadium and last out. As we left Owen Field, the last group of us got water balloon-bombed by protesters in the stands.

“I also remember that one day a week we had to wear our ROTC uniforms to class. During this time, protesters tried to physically block anyone in uniform from getting into any of the buildings to go to class.”


The above article is a bonus to the fascinating historical content found within our book

Oklahomans Vol 2 :

Statehood - 2020s

which can be purchased HERE.

View the inspiring 2-minute preview video HERE.

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