Oklahomans Vol 2 Bibliography
Chapter 1 (1910s)
Wheat Farming: Paul D. Travis and Jeffrey B. Robb, “Wheat,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. Bank Deposit Guaranty System Failure: Thornton Cooke, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 38, No. 1, Nov. 1923. John A. Brown’s: “Brock’s Elegant New Store,” The Daily Oklahoman, March 5, 1904; Kevin Laval, “John A. Brown Co. Sold to Dillard’s,” The Daily Oklahoman, August 9, 1984; Mary Jo Nelson, “Grande Dame of Merchandising Commands Respect for Policies,” The Daily Oklahoman, October 10, 1984; Jim Stafford, “Flashback: John A. Brown Department Store Remembered—Old Customers are Nostalgic for Local Store,” September 4, 2005; Doug Loudenback, “John A. Brown’s,” Doug Dawgz Blog—Oklahoma City! (www.dougdawg.blogspot.com/2008/10/john-browns.html); Steve Lackmeyer, Jack Money, OKC: Second Time Around.
State Capital Removal: Irvin Hurst, 46th Star; Fred P. Branson, F., “The Removal of the State Capital,” Chronicles of Oklahoma; W. B. Anthony, “Necrologies,” Chronicles of Oklahoma, Rob Collins, “The State Seal,” Oklahoma Gazette, June 2, 2010.
J. Coody Johnson: John R. Hargrave, “Johnson, J. Coody,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Jimmie Lewis Franklin, Journey Toward Hope: A History of Blacks in Oklahoma; Gary Zellar, African Creeks: Estelvste and the Creek Nation; Angie Debo, The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek Indians. Roscoe Dunjee: John H. L. Thompson, “Dunjee, Roscoe,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Russell Perry, author interview, 2007.
Socialists and Ameringers: Larry O’Dell, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, “The Oklahoma Socialist Party”; Alexander Howat, Adam Ingram, “Politicizing miners”; Larry O’Dell, Nigel Sellars, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, “Socialist Party Agenda”; John Thompson, “Freda Ameringer,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; John Thompson, “She Never Weakened: The Heroism of Freda Ameringer,” An Oklahoma I Had Never Seen Before, Davis D. Joyce, ed.; John Thompson, “Oscar Ameringer,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Oscar Ameringer and James Green, If You Don’t Weaken; John J. Dwyer, The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War.
Coal mining disasters: Steven L. Sewell, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Coal mining strikes: Fred W. Dunbar, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Tom Slick: Ray Miles, King of the Wildcatters: The Life and Times of Tom Slick, 1883-1930; Kitty Pittman, “Thomas Baker Slick,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Oklahoma’s King of the Wildcatters,” American Oil & Gas Historical Society. Robert Williams: L. David Norris, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, “Challenges facing state at statehood,” Edward Everett Dale, History of Oklahoma.
World War I: American Lutheran Survey, The Story of the Great War, History of the European War from Official Sources, Volume 5; Timothy G. McDonald, “The Gore McLemore Resolutions: Democratic Revolt Against Wilson's Submarine Policy,” The Historian, Nov. 1963; Henry Berry, Make the Kaiser Dance: Living Memories of a Forgotten War: The American Experience in World War I; Lonnie J. White, Panthers to Arrowheads: The 36th Division in World War I; Clarence Carson, A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 4, “The Growth of America: 1878-1928”; Jim Bissett, “World War I,” Oklahoma entry, farm crop prices, racial percentage of troop inductees, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; (Casualty count) Thomas Fleming, The Illusion of Victory; Sam Greenhill, “Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship,” Daily Mail, Dec. 19, 2008; T. Hunt Tooley, “1917: How Woodrow Wilson Finally Got His War,” Mises.org, Apr. 20, 2017.
(Quashing of post-World War I voting by persecution of Socialists, etc., during war) Jim Bissett, “World War I,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
(Mennonite Persecution in World War I) R. L. Williams, “James Monroe Aydelotte,” Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 10, No. 2, June 1932, Necrology; Guy Herschberger, War, Peace, and Nonresistance; S O. A. Hilton, “The Oklahoma Council of Defense and the First World War,” Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 20, No. 1, March 1942; Sharon Hartin Iorio, Faith’s Harvest: Mennonite Identity in Northwest Oklahoma; James H. Fowler, “Tar and Feather Patriotism: The Suppression of Dissent in Oklahoma During World War I,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, ; Volume 56 (Winter 1978-79); Douglas Hale, The Germans from Russia in Oklahoma (The Newcomers to a New Land Series); Richard Rohrs, The Germans in Oklahoma; Keith L. Sprunger, “World War I and the Mennonite Migration to Canada to Avoid the Draft,” Kansas Historical Society, Summer 1986; Linda D. Wilson, "Oklahoma Council of Defense," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Donald Eberle, “The Plain Mennonite Face of the World War One Conscientious Objector,” Northwest Ohio State Community College; “Cordell Christian College,” www.resurrectedliving.wordpress.com.
Spanish Influenza death rates: C. W. Potter, “A History of Influenza,” National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2001; Brad Agnew, three-part series about Tahlequah and the Spanish Influenza, Tahlequah Daily Press, March 2020.
James B. A. Robertson: Stephen Jones, Oklahoma Politics; Mrs. J. B. A. Robertson Collection, Oklahoma Historical Society; Robertson, James Brooks Ayers,” Larry O’Dell, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Thomas P. Gore: Joe Holley, “J. Roy Thompson; Won Settlement for Indians,” Washington Post, March 27, 2005; Bill Kauffman, “The Populist Patriotism of Gore Vidal,” American Conservative, Nov. 20, 2006; Bill Kauffman, “The Last Republican: The Selected Essays of Gore Vidal,” American Conservative, Aug. 8, 2008; Timothy G. McDonald, Point to Point Navigation: A Memoir, Gore Vidal; Christopher Cappozolla, Uncle Sam Wants You: World War I and the Making of the Modern American Citizen; Thomas P. Gore Collection, Carl Albert Center Congressional and Political Collections, University of Oklahoma.
Marland and Kay County Oil Strikes: Linda D. Wilson, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Phillips Petroleum Company: “Rep. Edwards: Will Congress Tackle Hostile Takeovers?”, The Oklahoman, Dec. 16, 1984; T. Boone Pickens Jr., “When T. Boone Pickens Told Big Oil To 'Take This Job And Shove It,” Forbes, September 2012; “‘Boots’ Adams – Lost Bartlesville: The day a president came to town and the love of a lifetime,” Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise, July 12, 2013; Christopher J. Castaneda, “Phillips Petroleum Company,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Wiliam C. Wertz, ed., Phillips: The First 66 Years; Dan B. Wimberly, “Frank Freeman Phillips,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture;; Jon D. May, "Lee Eldas Phillips," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Keli Flynn, “Mesa Petroleum Corporation,” Handbook of Texas Online; Oklahoma: Where Energy Reigns, Bob Blackburn, Paul Lambert; Handbook of Petroleum Processing, David S. J. Jones, Peter P. Pujadó, eds.; Ullmann's Energy, 3 Volume Set: Resources, Processes, Products, Volume 2, Wiley-VCH, Barbara Elvers, eds.
Chapter 2 (1920s-Tulsa)
Introduction: Bob Gregory, “King of the Wildcatters,” Oklahoma Today, July-Aug. 1986. 1920s Emigration from Oklahoma to California, etc.: Sheila Manes, Oklahoma: New Views of the Forty-Sixth State. Tulsa Population: James S. Hirsch, Riot and Remembrance; Carl E. Gregory, “Tulsa,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Immorality in 1920s: Odie Faulk, Larry O’Dell, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Tulsa Race War: Tulsa World, various articles, May 31, June 1, June 2, June 3, 1921; The Daily Oklahoman, various articles, May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 10, 1921; “Rooney Explains Use of Machine Gun,” Tulsa Daily World, June 4, 1921; “Rioter Wantonly Injured Veteran,” Tulsa Daily World, July 2, 1921; B. C. Franklin, “The Tulsa Race Riot and Three of Its Victims,” Smithsonian Institution, 1931;
Jimmie Franklin, The Blacks In Oklahoma; I. Marc Carlson, “The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921,” academic paper, Oklahoma State University, 1989; “Panel Seeks Clearer View of 1921 Tulsa Race Riot,” New York Times, Feb. 21, 1999; Kelly Kurt, “Greenwood panel favors reparations,” Tulsa World, Feb. 23, 2001; Danney Goble, editor, “Tulsa Race Riot, A Report by the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921,” 2001; James B. Hirsch, Riot and Remembrance: The Tulsa Race War and Its Legacy; Carl E. Gregory, “Tulsa,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Scott Ellsworth, “Tulsa Race Massacre,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Linda D. Wilson, “The Tulsa Tribune,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
“The Tulsa Race Riot,” Archaeology, Sept. 16, 2003; Hannibal B. Johnson, “The Ghosts of Greenwood Past: A Walk Down Black Wall Street,” www.hannibaljohnson.com, May 11, 2009; “Robert Milacek,” Obituary, The Oklahoman, Mar. 31, 2010; Kevin O’Connor, “What Lies Beneath, This Land, June 11, 2011; Kevin Canfield, “Historic Moton Hospital poised for brownfields face-lift,” Tulsa World, Oct. 1, 201; Steve Gerkin, “First Charged, Last Freed,” This Land, March 3, 2014.
Randy Krehbiel, “Tulsa Race Riot: 96 years ago, a volatile combination exploded outside the Tulsa County Courthouse,” Tulsa World, May 31, 2017. I. Marc Carlson, “The Tulsa Race Massacre: Muskogee Phoenix, 2 June 1921,” Word Press, tulsaraceriot.wordpress.com, June 21, 2017; I. Marc Carlson, “The Tulsa Race Massacre: Transcript of T. J. Essley Interview, 1987,” Word Press, tulsaraceriot.wordpress.com, June 28, 2017.
I. Marc Carlson, “The Tulsa Race Massacre: Testimony of John A. Oliphant,” Word Press, tulsaraceriot.wordpress.com, June 29, 2017; Saundra Adams, “Oklahoma senator to announce official name change of the 1921 Race Riot Commission,” KTUL-TV, Nov. 27, 2018; Randy Krehbiel, “Tulsa Race Massacre: 1921 newspaper stories fueled racism, one story is cited for sparking Greenwood’s burning,” Tulsa World, May 31, 2019; F. Jones, First Public Oversight Meeting for 1921 Mass Graves Investigation Scheduled Tomorrow, Oklahoma Eagle, June 26, 2019.
Richard Lloyd Jones: Peter Hughes, “Richard Lloyd Jones,” Unitarian-Universalist Association; Russell Cobb, “‘No apology’: Richard Lloyd Jones and the 1921 Race Massacre,” Tulsa People, Feb. 21, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Distrust, anger show in hunt for graves,” Tulsa World, Mar 3, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Tulsa Race Massacre: Role of airplanes spotted during height of violence questioned,” Tulsa World, May 31, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Search for race massacre graves at Oaklawn remains fruitless, but scientists say they’re ‘not disheartened,” Tulsa World, July 16, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Lack of evidence so far in Tulsa Race Massacre grave search doesn’t deter commitment, mayor says,” Tulsa World, July 17, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Oaklawn researchers reassess potential race massacre burial sites as search for remains continues,” Tulsa World, July 18, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Tulsa’s search will continue for unmarked burials from 1921 Race Massacre,” Tulsa World, July 27, 2020; Tim Stanley, “'Black Wall Street 100': Tulsa author-historian reviews century of 'grappling' with lingering 'wound' of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, Tulsa World, Aug. 13, 2020; Randy Krehbiel, “Mass grave found in search for 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre victims,” Tulsa World, Oct 22, 2020.
Randy Krehbiel, “The Questions That Remain,” Tulsa World, http://www.tulsaworld.com/app/race-riot/timeline.html, 2021; Randy Krehbiel, “Tulsa, 1921: Reporting a Massacre, chapter four: The story that set Tulsa ablaze,” Tulsa World, Mar. 28, 2021; Tim Stanley, “50 years ago, the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre was a taboo subject when Tulsan Ed Wheeler set out to write an article ‘to find out what happened.’ He had no idea the threats and resistance he would face just for trying,” April 12, 2021; Frederick Williams, “Black Wall Street: A Legacy of Success,” Ebony, May 26, 2021; Tirhakah Love, “Shattering the Hollywood Myths of the Tulsa Race Massacre,” Daily Beast, Sept. 3, 2021; Kweke Larry Crowe, Thabiti Lewis, “The 1921 Tulsa Massacre: What Happened to Black Wall Street,” Humanities, Winter 2021.
Robert McFarlin: Carl N. Tyson, James H. Thomas, Odie B. Faulk, The McMans; Odie Faulk, William G. Welge, Oklahoma: A Rich History; Carl N. Tyson, “McFarlin, Robert Martin,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Tulsa “Little Athens”: John Brooks Walton, One Hundred Historic Tulsa Homes; Carl E. Gregory, “Tulsa,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Arn Henderson, “Architecture,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Gov. Frank Keating, author interviews, 2017-2019; Ian Swart, curator, Tulsa Historical Society and Museum, author interviews, 2016-2017; Rob Berry and the Tulsa Preservation Commission, author interviews, 2017-2022; William O’Connor, “One of the World’s Most Stunning Churches Is In Tulsa, Oklahoma,” The Daily Beast, July 27, 2019.
Dianna Everett, “Boston Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. C. Brooks Kurtz, “Harwelden Mansion a Sight to See,” Tulsa World; James D. Watts, Jr., “Arts Council to Sell Historic Harwelden Mansion,” Tulsa World; Molly Bullock, University of Tulsa purchases Skelly Mansion for new president,” Tulsa World, Feb. 24, 2019; Mount Zion Baptist Church, Historic Tulsa blog: http://historictulsa.blogspot.com; (Stradford Hotel) Steve Gerkin, “First Charged, Last Freed,” This Land Press, March 20, 2014; Michael Overall, “Building on Tulsa’s past: the historic Adams Hotel will become apartments,” July 22, 2017; “Throwback Tulsa gallery: Warehouse Market site has seen decades of history,” Tulsa World, July 28, 2016. Kirby Lee Davis, “These Walls: McClintock Mansion,” Journal Record, Aug. 11, 2011.
Chapter 3 (1920s-Oil Boom)
Governors vs. Legislatures: Stephen Jones, Oklahoma Politics.
Gov. Jack Walton: Stephen Jones, Oklahoma Politics; Larry O’Dell, “John Calloway Walton,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; W. D. McBee, The Oklahoma Revolution; Dee Cordry, Alive if Possible, Dead if Necessary; Michael Dean, “Governor Walton Declares Statewide Martial Law, 1923,” Oklahoma Journeys; “Opposing Jack Walton,” The Oklahoman, May 5, 2002; Ron Owens, Oklahoma Heroes: The Oklahoma Peace Officers Memorial; Stephen Riner, “Buck Garrett…Legendary Lawman?” https://bsriner0.tripod.com/bgrrtt1.html;
Lamar Looney: Christine Pappas, “Looney, Lamar,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Mrs. Lamar Looney,” Oklahoma State Senate.
Bessie S. McColgin: Christine Pappas, “McColgin, Amelia Elizabeth Simpson,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, “Rep. Bessie S. McColgin,” Oklahoma State Senate.
Alice Mary Robertson: Bob Burke, “Alice Mary Robertson,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Reba Neighbors Collins, Alice Robertson: Congresswoman from Oklahoma.
Erle Halliburton: Halliburton-by-the-Sea (by David Sheff), Review, New York Times, May 2, 2004; Sheri Hoeksema Harris, “Erle Palmer Halliburton,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dwight Smith author interview, 2013; Lawrence Pope, A Story of Success.
Cova Williams, Stephens County Heritage Society, author interviews, 2015-2017.
Oil Boom - Oklahoma: Bob Blackburn, Paul Lambert, Where Energy Reigns.
Seminole Pool – Angie Debo, And Still the Waters Run; Elsie Morris, “Seminole,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture;
Spartan Aviation – Keith Tolman, "Spartan Aircraft Company," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Carl E. Gregory, “Tulsa,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Spartan College of Aeronautics and Techonolgoy web site.
OKC Oil Field – Bobby D. Weaver/EOC; Jack Lance; “The Oklahoma Oil Field In Pictures”; Litton.
Osage Oil and murders: Corey Bone, “Osage Oil,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Molly Stephey, “The Osage Murders: Oil Wealth, Betrayal and the FBI’s First Big Case,” American Indian magazine; Verdon R. Adams, “White, Thomas Bruce,” Handbook of Texas Online; James D. Watts, Jr., “Book Delves Into History of Osage Reign of Terror,” Tulsa World, April 28, 2017; Lee Cowan, “Revisiting the ‘Reign of Terror’ on the Osage Nation,” CBS News; Steve Inskeep, “In The 1920s, A Community Conspired To Kill Native Americans for Their Oil Money,” National Public Radio.
Luther Bishop – Bobby Dobbs, “1920 Lynching of Claude Chandler: Shedding Light on Painful Past,” The Oklahoman; Dee Cordry, former OSBI agent, author interviews 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020.
Alice Brown Davis: Rechenda Davis Bates, “Davis, Alice Brown,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Paula Waldowski, “Alice Brown Davis, A Leader Of Her People,” Seminole Nation, I. T.
Walter Edwards: Kent Ruth, “The Edwards Story,” Today’s Health, Feb. 1951; Jimmie Franklin, The Blacks in Oklahoma; Paul Lehman, “The Edwards Family and Black Entrepreneurial Success, Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. LXIV, No. 4, Winter 1986-87; Dianna Everett, “Walter J. Edwards,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bruce Fisher, author interviews, 2009, 2010; James Johnson, author interview, 2017.
Decline of Coal Industry: Litton, Vol. II, pp. 168-169, Frederick L. Ryan, The Rehabilitation of Oklahoma Coal Mining Communities.
Popularizing Western Music: Paul F. Lambert, Bob L. Blackburn, You Know We Belong to the Land; Leslie McRill, “The Story of an Oklahoma Cowboy, William McGinty, and His Wife,” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1956.
Automobile Alley: Linda D. Wilson, “Oklahoma City,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Automobile Alley,” Bob Duncan photos, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Tom Russell, author interviews, 2007, 2013, 2016.
William Holloway – Bob Burke, “Holloway, William Judson,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Chapter 4 (1930s – Depression)
Sylvan Goldman: Glen Bayless, “Old Friend Closes Doors on Market,” The Oklahoman, March 10, 1985; Julia Ann Pledger Daugherty, “Goldman, Sylvan Nathan,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Smoot Hawley: Thomas Woods, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; Burton W. Folsom Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?
The Great Depression: Thomas Woods, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; Burton W. Folsom Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?
Herbert Hoover: Jim Powell, FDR’s Folly.
William H. Murray: Stephen Jones, Oklahoma Politics.
Oklahoma loss of income 1929-32: Keith L. Bryant, “ New Deal,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
New Deal, Agricultural Administration Act, National Industrial Recovery Act: Milton Friedman, Anna Jacobson Schwartz, A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960; Clarence Carson, A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 5: The Welfare State 1929-1985; David E. Bernstein, Only One Place of Redress: African Americans, Labor Relations, and the Courts from Reconstruction to the New Deal; Jim Powell, FDR’s Folly, “How FDR Promoted Price-Gouging,” CATO Institute, March 2009; Amity Shales, The Forgotten Man; Burton H. Folsom, Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?;.
National Recovery Administration: John Maynard Keynes, “An Open Letter to President Roosevelt, December 16, 1933; Henry Wallace on National Recovery Administration: C. Gregg Singer, A Theological Intrepretation of American History.
Civilian Conservation Corps: Suzanne Shrems, “ Civilian Conservation Corps,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Destruction of pigs and cotton while people hungry: Roosevelt Fireside Chat 13
E. W. Marland and the Pioneer Woman: Dianna Everett, “Pioneer Woman,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Walter M. Harrison, “Oklahoma City’s Finest Hour,” Me and My Big Mouth.
Agricultural Administration Act, National Industrial Recovery Act, New Deal (in Oklahoma): Duncan Eagle, various issues, 1932-1937.
Marland’s Oklahoma New Deal: Keith L. Bryant, “The New Deal,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. 1935 unemployment figures: Odie B. Faulk, William D. Welge, Oklahoma: A Rich History.
Works Progress Administration: Williams Mullins/EOC, Thomas Woods, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; Burton W. Folsom Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?; Marjorie Wilderman, “WPA Left Legacy in Three Rivers,” Three Rivers Historian, Fall 2000;
Thomas Woods, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; Burton W. Folsom Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?
Rural Electrification Administration: Phil Ferguson, author interview, 2010.
Oklahoma landowner expelling tenants quote: Red River Historian website, quoting Donald Worster, Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s.
President Franklin Roosevelt investigating political opponents: Thomas Woods, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; Burton W. Folsom Jr., New Deal or Raw Deal?
NIRA outlawed/Brandeis quote: Harry Hopkins, “Statement to Me by Thomas Corcoran Giving His Recollections of the Genesis of the Supreme Court Fight,” April 3, 1939, typescript in Harry Hopkins Papers.
Hugh S. Johnson: Donovan Reichenberg, “Johnson, Hugh Samuel,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Indian New Deal: Calvin W. Gower, Aid for Depressed Americans, 1933-1942, Minnesota History, Spring 1972 (Vol. 43, Number1); Thomas A. Britten, The National Council on Indian Opportunity. Brian F. Rader, “Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. Indian allottee exiles: Angie Debo, And Still the Waters Run. BOIA criticism of Dawes: Angie Debo, And Still the Waters Run.
Indian difficulties during 1930s: Brian F. Rader, “Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Chad Smith, Chad Smith for Chief 2007 campaign statements; Cherokee Nation website.
NAACP: Alfred L. Brophy, “Lane vs. Wilson,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Edward Everett Dale, History of Oklahoma; (vs. Segregated Housing) James M. Smallwood, “NAACP, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
William H. Murray comments on African American potential: Arnold Rampersad, Ralph Ellison, A Biography.
Zelia Page Breaux: Hannah D. Atkins, Breaux, Zelia Page, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Hannah D. Atkins, "Stewart, James Edward," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Zelia Page Breaux,” Doug Dawg’s Blog; Anita G. Arnold, “Legendary Times and Tales of Second Street.
Gore re. revolutionaries, New Deal, desired outcome: 5/27/38 letter to Willmoore Kendall of Stillwater, Gore collection
Glass Mountains: Melanie L. McPhail and Richard A. Marston, “Glass Mountains,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Mike Klemme, Celebrating Enid and Our Northwest Neighbors.
Chapter 5 (1930s – Dust Bowl)
American Indian Exposition: Thomas L. Hedglen, “Craterville Park Indian Fair,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Black Sunday: Timothy Egan, The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl; Juliana Keeping, “Black Sunday: 80 years ago Tuesday, a dust storm like no other rolled into Oklahoma,” The Oklahoman, April 14, 2015; Virginia Frantz, author interview, 2016; Darryle Gibson, author interviews, 2016, 2018; Betty Browning, author interview, 2016.
Dust Bowl: (statistics) Guy Logsdon, “Dust Bowl Lore,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; (humor) Odie B. Faulk William Welge, Oklahoma: A Rich Heritage; (Amarillo dust storm) Timothy Egan, The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl.
Farming: (cotton prices) Odie B. Faulk William Welge, Oklahoma: A Rich Heritage; (Foreclosures, loss of ownership – W. David Baird, Danney Goebel, The Story of Oklahoma; (cotton/wheat prices) Paul F. Lambert, Bob Blackburn, You Know We Belong to the Land.
Grand River Dam: Dorothy Dell Welsh, “Langley,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Northwestern College Building Burning: The Alva Daily Record, Mar. 1, 1935.
Route 66: Michael Cassity, “Route 66,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dianna Everett, “Avery, Cyrus Stevens,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
OKC Oil Field/Wild Mary Sudik: Jack Lance, OKC Oil Field In Pictures; Paul F. Lambert, Bob Blackburn, You Know We Belong to the Land. Glendeen R. Unsell, “Wild Mary Sudik,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
OKC Building Campaign: Gaston Litton History of Oklahoma; Michael J. Hightower, “Oklahoma Bank and Commerce History Project, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Woody Guthrie: “Guthrie, Woodrow Wilson,” Guy Logsdon, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Steve Byas, “Woody Was No Hero,” the Oklahoma Constitution, 2006.
Dolese: Kermit Frank, author interview, 2020.
Will Rogers: Will Rogers, Judge Priest; (motionpicture); Homer Croy, Our Will Rogers; Ben Yagoda, Will Rogers, a Biography; Douglas Watson, “Rogers, William Penn Adair,” , The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Research materials and artwork, Will Rogers Memorial Museum, Claremore, Oklahoma.
Wiley Post: Lloyd Mallan, Suiting Up for Space: The Evolution of the Space Suit
Erik D. Carlson, “Post, Wiley Hardeman,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Paul F. Lambert, Never Give Up!
Jake Simmons: Jonathan D. Greenberg, Staking a Claim: Jake Simmons Jr. and the Making of an African-American Oil Dynasty; Jill Nelson, “Black Gold: The Simmons Family of Oklahoma,” Washington Post, Feb. 4, 1990; Larry O’Dell, “Jake Simmons, Jr.,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Marcia Shottenkirk, “The Century Club: J.J. Simmons Jr., Petroleum Industry's Most Successful Black Entrepreneur,” Gateway to Oklahoma History.
Charles “Pretty Boy” Floyd and other outlaws: “Blasting a G-Man Myth,” Time magazine, Sept. 24, 1979; Michael Wallis, “Floyd, Charles Arthur,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Michael Wallis, Pretty Boy: The Life and Times of Charles Arthur Floyd; Alston Purvis, Alex Tresniowski, The Vendetta: FBI Hero Melvin Purvis, John Dillinger, and Hoover’s FBI In the Age of Gangsters; Jeffrey S. King, The Life and Death of Pretty Boy Floyd; Larry McMurtry, Diana Ossama, Pretty Boy; Guy Logsdon, "Choc Beer," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, www.okhistory.org; Juliana Keeping, “80 Years Ago, Gangster 'Pretty Boy' Floyd's Funeral was One Like Oklahoma Had Never Seen, The Oklahoman, October 27, 2014; Liz McMahan, “Bullet-riddled car may have belonged to ‘Pretty Boy’ Floyd,” Muskogee Phoenix, July 18, 2007; Joe Floyd, “An Homage to a Public Enemy,” Baltimore Sun, Jan. 16, 1999; Richard Mullins, author interview, 2020; Bank Crime Statistics 2018, Federal Bureau of Investigation, www.fbi.gov.
Mennonites: Guy Hershberger, “The Mennonite Church in the Second World War; Guy Hershberger, War, Peace, and Nonresistance.
Leon Phillips: J. J. Compton, “Phillips, Leon Chase,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Ike’s Chili: Dianna Everett/EOC; Rob Berry, author interview, 2020
Roosevelt’s provocative acts against Axis Powers: Thomas Woods, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; Herbert Hoover: Jim Powell, FDR’s Folly; James P. Duffy, Lindbergh vs. Roosevelt: The Rivalry That Divided America
Cartoon – “Where Farmer Looks For Help Now” - http://www.flickr.com/photos/hoffbeckhistoryphotos/3468398837/lightbox/
Cartoon – “The Farmer: Sure, I’ll Try Anything Once!” - http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/fdr/fdr_farm/33041301.GIF
Chapter 6 (1940s- World War II)
Count Basie: Bob Burke, “Rushing, James Andrew,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Muskogee Black Business District: Mary Jane Warde, “The Historic Context for African American History in Muskogee,” 2014; Jonita Mullins, “Three Rivers History: Freed slaves created thriving community,” Muskogee Phoenix, Mar. 8, 2015; Jonita Mullins, “Three Forks History: Muskogee’s Black Business district touted as nation’s best,” Muskogee Phoenix, Feb. 7, 2016; Kristi Eaton, “Tour Gives Glimpse Into the Past of Oklahoma’s Historic All-Black Towns,” NBC News, Sept. 25, 2017; Margaret Taylor, author interviews, 2018, 2020, 2021; Art T. Burton, author interview, 2018; Jonita Mullins, “Washington’s visit brought crowds,” Muskogee Phoenix, Nov. 7, 2019; Jonita Mullins, author interviews, 2020, 2021; Angie Rush, author interviews, 2020, 2021; Roger Bell, author interviews, 2020, 2021.
Charlie Christian: “Legendary Times and Tales of Second Street,” Anita Arnold; Bob Burke,” Christian, Charles Henry,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Michael Dean, “Charlie Christian,” Oklahoma Memories.
World War II: Mark Beutler, “Historic Flavor at Junior’s: The enduring appeal of a classic OKC steakhouse,” 405 Magazine, Nov. 2017; Addy P. (Junior) Simon, Jr., obituary, The Oklahoman, Nov. 5, 1984.
World War II: Winston Churchill, The Second World War: The Grand Alliance, The Second World War: The Gathering Storm; The Second World War: Their Finest Hour; The Second World War: The Hinge of Fate; The Second World War: Closing the Ring; The Second World War: Triumph and Tragedy; (Army Casualties) Oklahoma, National Archives; Clarence B. Carson, Basic History of the United States, Volume 5, The Welfare State; Joseph C. Harsch, “Why Eisenhower Halted at the Elbe,” Christian Science Monitor, April 10, 1995; David Irving: Churchill’s War; Thomas Fleming, The New Dealers War; Thomas Fleming, The Illusion of Victory; Brad Agnew, “World War II,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Allen Davies: No Simple Victory; Tim Shipman, “General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book,” The Telegraph, Dec. 20, 2008; David A. Janicki, “The British Blockade During World War I: The Weapon of Deprivation,” Inquires Journal, 2014, Vol. 6, No. 6; Maj. Gen. Michael Reynolds, “Patton’s End Run,” Warfare History Network, July 21, 2016;
Charles Lindbergh: Charles Lindbergh, speech, Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 4, 1940; The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh; Wayne S. Cole, Charles A. Lindbergh and the Battle Against American Intervention in World War II; A. Scott Berg, Lindbergh; Charles A. Lindbergh Papers, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University; James P. Duffy, Lindbergh vs. Roosevelt: The Rivalry That Divided America; John J. Dwyer, “FDR vs. Lindbergh: Setting the Record Straight,” New American magazine, Jan. 21, 2014; Walter S. Ross, The Last Hero: Charles A. Lindbergh; John J. Dwyer, Mustang; Walter M. Harrison, “Oklahoma City’s Finest Hour,” Me and My Big Mouth.
Sue Schrems, “Boomer, Sooner and Johnny-Come-Lately: The History of Norman, Oklahoma.”
Pearl Harbor: (Walter D. Short) “Gen. Walter D. Short, City, In Charge of Hawaiian Defense Forces, Holds Number One Post,” The Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 8, 1941;
John Flynn, The Final Secret about Pearl Harbor, 1945; Register of the Walter Campbell Short Papers, Online Archive of California; John Toland, Infamy; Ann DeFrange, Silver Links Ship, General, The Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 8, 1991; Robert B. Stinnett, Day of Deceit; Michael Gannon, Pearl Harbor Betrayed; George Victor, The Pearl Harbor Myth: Rethinking the Unthinkable; Robert Higgs, “How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor,” Ludwig von Mises Institute; Melissa Chan, “A Date Which Will Live In Infamy,” Time, Dec. 6, 2018.
USS Oklahoma: (T. O. Cullins) “Ada Man Chief on Oklahoma,” The Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 8, 1941; recipient, Military Hall of Valor; C. P. Neimeyer, “USS Oklahoma,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; various articles, Gateway to Oklahoma History; “The new USS Oklahoma is built for war but has a mission of peace: Tulsa World editorial,” Tulsa World, Jan. 1, 2020.
Clarence Tinker: Jon D. May, "Tinker, Clarence Leonard," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Alfred Masters: “Oklahoman First Negro in Marines,” The Daily Oklahoman, June 2, 1942; Bobby J. Yarbrough, “The History of the Black Marine,” United States Marine Corps, March 9, 2010; “Today in Black History, Feb. 5,” the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History; Margaret Taylor, Muskogee historian, author interviews, 2017, 2018.
Lucian K. Truscott: Winston Churchill, The Second World War: Closing the Ring;
Carlo D’Este, “The Man Who Knew No Fear: General Lucian K. Truscott,” World War II magazine, January/February 2016;
Raymond C. McLain: Roy P. Stewart, "Raymond S. McLain, America's Greatest Citizen Soldier," The Chronicles of Oklahoma 59 (Spring 1981); David L. Frazier, "McLain, Raymond Stallings," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Jake McNiece: “James E. McNiece,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “The Filthy Thirteen: the U.S. Army’s Real ‘Dirty Dozen,’” American Valor Quarterly, 2008/09 – Winter; Lou Mumford, “World War II vet is Filthy Thirteen's last man,” South Bend Tribune, November 9, 2010; Michael McNutt, “‘Dirty Dozen' hero from Oklahoma has died,” The Oklahoman, January 22, 2013; Marco Werman, “Jake McNiece, D-Day Paratrooper Dies, the Last of the 'Filthy Thirteen,” Public Radio International, January 24, 2013.
Fred Kitchens: Steve Byas, author interviews, 2016, 2021.
Walter A. “Waddy” Young: Francis Young (brother), author interview, 1989; John Shirk (teammate), author interview, 1989; Gene Corrotto, (teammate), author interview, 1989; Ruth Sullivan (friend), author interview, 1989; Berry Tramel, “Young a war hero, kind man, Ex-Sooner, killed near Tokyo in 1945, has been gone 62 years but never forgotten,” The Oklahoman, August 6, 2007; Kenny Mossmann, “Remembering Waddy Young,” University of Oklahoma Athletic Communications, May 28, 2012.
Bob Johnson: Richard Goldstein, “Robert Johnson, a Leading Air Ace in World War II, Dies at 78,” New York Times, Jan. 11, 1999; “Robert Johnson,” Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame.
(Air war) Nour Habib, “Tuskegee Airmen's legacy remembered at TASM exhibit, Tulsa World, Jan. 19, 2012; The Tuskegee Airmen website; Virgil Kinnison, author interview, 2017; Stanley Newman, author interviews, 2017; Bob Williams, author interviews, 2017.
Oklahoma’s War: (Oklahoma Population) U.S. Census Bureau; John Shirk, author interview, 1989; Francis Young, author interview, 1989; Gene Corrotto, author interview, 1989; Ruth Sullivan, author interview, 1989; Helen Dwyer, multiple author interviews; John Cole, author interview, 2010; Frank Heaston, A Paeon to Pocasset; Frank Heaston, author interview, 2013.
Mennonites: Lawrence Thompson, “Patriotism, Religion Conflict to Shake Folk of Mennonite Faith,” The Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 15, 1942, Glen Swartzendruber, Darwin Hartman, author interviews, 2009, 2010.
Ira Eaker: “Notes and Documents,” Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 25, Winter 1947; David Irving, Apocalypse 1945: the Destruction of Dresden; Keith Tolman, “Eaker, Ira Clarence,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Ira C. Eaker,” Davis-Monthan Aviation Field Register; Donald W. Miller, Masters of the Air.
Miami Pilot Training: Michael McNutt, “Former Royal Air Force Pilots Relive Ponca City Memories,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 11, 1991;Sheila Stogdill, “Fallen British cadets and caretaker of their graves to be remembered in Miami, OK,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 8, 2010; Tony Booth, author interview, 2018.
Homefront Mail Call: Frank Heaston, A Paean to Pocasset.
World War II Prisoner of War Camps: Brad Agnew, “World War II,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Mark Hutchison, “Camp Site for Captured Nazis Reminds Tipton of Past War,” The Oklahoman, January 27, 1991; Bill Corbett, "Prisoner of War Camps," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Matt Patterson, “Memories of War: 75 years ago, eight Oklahomans were reported captives of Japan,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 27, 2017; Tom Crowl, Pittsburg county Genealogical and Historical Society, author interview, 2017; Leigh Todd, author interview, April, 2018.
Marc “Pete” Mitscher: Larry O'Dell, "Mitscher, Marc Andrew," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Theodore Taylor, The Magnificent Mitscher; Craig L. Symonds, “Mitscher and the Mystery of Midway,” Naval History Magazine, June 2012, Vol. 26, No. 3; Kent G. Budge, “Mitscher, Marc Andrew (1887-1947),” The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia.
Roughnecks of Sherwood Forest: Odie B. Faulk, Laura E. Faulk, Sally M. Gray, Imagination and Ability: The Life of Lloyd Noble; Bill Boudreaux, author interview, 2017; Austin Jackson, “Protecting the patch: A look back at how 44 roughnecks helped save Britain from Nazi takeover,” The Daily Ardmoreite, April 19, 2018; Bruce A. Wells, “Roughnecks of Sherwood Forest,” The American Oil & Gas Historical Society, 2018; Dianna Everett, "O'Meilia, Jay Philip," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
USS Grayback: “Grayback I (SS-208) 1941-1944,” Naval History & Heritage Command; Carol Bond, “Yukon honors fallen Navy heroes, Yukon Progress, Jan. 19, 2020.
George Failing: Kathy Dickson, “Failing, George E.,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Mike Klemme, author interview, 2020.
Code Talkers: “Schlicht Billy—He was a Choctaw Code Talker,” Bryan County Star, Aug. 1992; William C. Meadows, The Comanche Code Talkers of World War II; “Code Talkers,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Choctaw Code Talkers,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; William C. Meadows, “Code Talkers,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Choctaw Code Talkers,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Comanche Code Talkers: The Comanche Language and Cultural Preservation Committee; Leo Kelley, “Choctaws seeking medals for code talkers,” Ada News, Nov. 6, 2006; Margie Buckheister, “Choctaw code talkers, nine others will be inducted into Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame,” The Oklahoman, Aug. 12, 2012; “Pawnee Code Talkers,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma History Center.
William C. Meadows/EOC.
Navy Air Evacuation Nurses: “Nurses Salute, Too,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 21, 1942; Andre Sobocinski, “Angels of the Airfields: Navy Air Evacuation Nurses of World War II,” Naval Historical Foundation, May 9, 2013.
Ruben Rivers: Joseph Galloway, et al, “Ruben Rivers,” U.S. News, May 6, 1996; “Professor To Share Stories Of Ruben Rivers' Heroism,” Tecumseh Countywide News and Shawnee Sun; Ruben Rivers: Joseph E. Wilson Jr., “The 761st ‘Black Panther’ Tank Battalion in World War II; “Ruben Rivers,” Oklahoma History Center, Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame;
Jack Treadwell: Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame Inductees, The Oklahoman, Nov. 12, 2008; Jack L. Treadwell, Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, okhistory.org, Oklahoma History Center.
Ernest Childers: Ernest Childers, Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma History Center; John Greiner, “‘Never Forget,’ Widow Vows,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 11, 2007.
Chapter 7 (1940s-Cold War)
Del City: Thomas L. Hedglen, “Del City,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture,
Charlie Christian – “Legendary Times and Tales of Second Street,” Anita Arnold; Bob Burke/EOC; Michael Dean, Oklahoma Memories.
Jay McShann: Larry O'Dell, "McShann, James Columbus," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Margaret Taylor, author interview, 2017; Art Burton, author interview, 2017; Edward Morris, “Rockabilly Queen Wanda Jackson Announces Retirement, Cancels Shows,” CMT, March 27, 2019.
Oklahoma!: Dianna Everett, “State Song,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Economic Recovery from Great Depression: Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson; Thomas Woods, Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.
Charles Beecham: “Charles Beecham,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Historical Society.
Patrick J. Hurley: Tulsa Race War stories, Tulsa World, June 4, 1921; Tulsa Tribune, June 5, 1921; Tulsa Tribune, June 6, 1921; Angie Debo, And Still the Waters Run; J. Lacey Reynolds, “Pat and Joe,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 12, 1943; George Cornell, “Hurley, World Trouble Shooter, Shuns Politics in Rush Visit,” Daily Oklahoman, March 8, 1944; Associated Press, “MacArthur’s Proposal to Block Chinese Reds In 1945 Told at Quiz,” Daily Oklahoman, May 11, 1951; “Death Takes Pat Hurley,” Daily Oklahoman, July 31, 1963; Don Lohbeck, Patrick J. Hurley; Patrick J. Blessing, The British and Irish in Oklahoma; Bevin Alexander, “The Dixie Mission to the Chinese Reds,” The Strange Connection: U.S. Intervention in China, 1944-1972; Rik Espinosa, “The `ambassador' that built Tulsa hotel, Tulsa World, April 24, 1999; James B. Hirsch, Riot and Remembrance; Scott Ellsworth, Death in a Promised Land; Dick Hefton, “Assignment to Afghanistan,” Rotary Club of Oklahoma City; John Roderick, Mao and Comrades Met U.S. at Dixie Mission, Los Angeles Times, August 29, 2004; M. Stanton Evans, Blacklisted by History; Jane Perlez, “‘Dixie Mission’ Americans Scorned for Backing Mao Are Hailed in China,” New York Times, Jan. 1, 2017;
Soviet A-Bomb: “Bold New Program’ to Stop Soviet Aggression,” Sapulpa Daily Herald, Sept. 23, 1949; “Atom Bomb Monopoly Broken, U.S. Convinced,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 24, 1949.
Lynn Riggs: Lynn Riggs, Green Grow the Lyrics; Thomas A. Erhard, “Riggs, Rollie Lynn,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Robert S. Kerr: “Baker Dealings Traced to Kerr,” New York Times, Jan. 31, 1964; Clinton Anderson, Outsider in the Senate; Senator Clinton Anderson's Memoirs; Stephen Jones, Oklahoma In State and National Politics, Vol. 1, 1907 to 1962; Anne Hodges Morgan, Robert S. Kerr: The Senate Years; James R. Scales, Danney Goble, Oklahoma Politics: A History; Anne Hodges Morgan, “Kerr, Robert Samuel,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; ; Martin Hauan, How to Win Elections Without Hardly Cheatin’ At All; Jonathan Greenberg, Staking a Claim: Jake Simmons, Jr. and the Making of an African-American Oil Dynasty; Malvina Stephenson, King of the Senate; Keith Carradine, Dream No Little Dream: the Life and Legacy of Robert S. Kerr; James L. Barrett, author interviews, 2007, 2010; Anita Blackwell Robertson, “The legacy of the Kerr family,” Ada News, Sept. 9, 2016;
Don Diehl, Famous Sapulpans: Sapulpa’s Malvina Stephenson was ‘real’ newswoman, Tulsa World, December 17, 2016; James L. Caster, author interviews, 2016, 2020.
Dean A. McGee: Thomas L. Hedglen, “McGee, Dean Anderson,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Dean A. McGee, The Chronicles of Oklahoma: Summer Vol. 92 2014.
Ada Fisher/George McLaurin: George Lynn Cross, Blacks in White Colleges; Melvin C. Hall, “Fisher, Ada Lois Sipuel,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bruce Fisher, author interviews, 2009, 2010; Brian Hardzinski, “Before ‘Brown V. Board,’ Oklahoma’s Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Helped Desegregate Public Education,” KGOU Radio, Feb. 22, 2016.
George Lynn Cross: George Lynn Cross, Blacks in White Colleges; George Lynn Cross, Presidents Can’t Punt; Kitty Pittman, “Cross, George Lynn,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
African Americans: Cullen Johnson, “Street to Fight for Eight-Ward Division of City,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 29, 1957; Cullen Johnson, “City Ward Line Shift Approved in Compromise,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 30, 1957; Bruce Fisher, author interviews, 2009, 2010; Jimmie Lewis Franklin, The Blacks in Oklahoma; Dianna Everett, “Walter Edwards,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Hannah D. Atkins, “Jimmy Stewart,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Laurence A. Vance, author interview, 2010.
Cotton Ginning: Tom Crowl, author interviews, 2017.
Irrigation: Prominent Cattleman "Ladd" Hitch Dead at Age 78, The Oklahoman, July 30, 1996; J. Brett Adams, “Irrigation,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Oklahoma Panhandle irrigators cut Ogallala Aquifer water use in half,” Southwest Farm Press, April 15, 2013; Prominent Cattleman "Ladd" Hitch Dead at Age 78, The Oklahoman, July 30, 1996; J. B. Blosser Bittner, “Hitch Family Stays Involved In Oklahoma Agriculture,” The Oklahoman, April 18, 1999; Dianna Everett, "Hitch Ranch," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Donald Edward Green, “Panhandle Pioneer”; “One man’s vision for No Man’s Land, Drovers.com, Jan. 17, 2011; Thomas L. Hedglen, "Quartz Mountain State Park," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Darryle Gibson, author interviews, 2016, 2018;
Five Ballerinas: Candy Franklin Short, “Hightower, Rosella,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, Melissa Vincent, “Chouteau, Myra Yvonne,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture,
Starlynn Raenae Nance, “Tallchief, Elizabeth Maria,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Henry P. Iba: John Paul Bischoff, Mr. Iba: Basketball’s Aggie Iron Duke; Richard Goldstein, “Bob Kurland, 88, Pioneer for Basketball’s Big Men, Dies,” New York Times, Sept. 30, 2013.
Bob Kurland: Max Nichols, “Kurland, Robert Albert,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Richard Goldstein, “Bob Kurland, 88, Pioneer for Basketball’s Big Men, Dies,” New York Times, Sept. 30, 2013.
Bob Fenimore: Max Nichols, “Fenimore, Robert,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; John Rohde, “OSU football legend Bob Fenimore dies at 84,” The Oklahoman, July 28, 2010.
Art Griffith: Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame
Marquis Haynes: Stew Thornley, “Minneapolis Lakers vs. Harlem Globetrotters,” Basketball’s Original Dynasty: The History of the Lakers; Larry O'Dell, “Haynes, Marques,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Marques Haynes, Globetrotters great and Sand Springs native, dies at 89, Tulsa World, May 23, 2015.
Economic Blessings of Destruction?: Economics In One Lesson/Henry Hazlitt
Roy Turner: Gaston Litton, History of Oklahoma; Stephen A. Jones, Oklahoma in State and Nation Politics, Vol. 1, 1907-1962; Courtney A. Vaughn, “Turner, Roy Joseph,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Tornadoes: (Pryor) National Weather Service, “Pryor Tornado: April 27, 1942,” Pryor Public Library. (Antlers) H. E. Suydan, “69 Dead; 343 are Injured,” Antlers American, April 19, 1945. (Woodward) “152 Killed, 85 in Woodward, 1,000 Injured by Tornado,” Oklahoma City Times, April 9, 1947; Associated Press, “Tornado Wrecks Woodward,” Daily Oklahoman, April 10, 1947; Ray Parr, “Woodward Toll is 83 Dead, 3,000 are Left Homeless,” Daily Oklahoman, April 11, 1947;
Cold War: John F. Kennedy, Philip J. Durkin Testimonial Dinner, Jan. 30, 1949; Anthony Kubek, How the Far East Was Lost; Thomas L. Hedglen, “Hurley, Patrick Jay,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; James L. Crowder, “Tinker Air Force Base,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; William Rusher, “Harry Hopkins, Soviet Spy,” Washington Times, January 4, 2001; Ernest R. May, “1947-48: When Marshall Kept the U.S. Out of War in China,” The George C. Marshall Lecture in Military History, Journal of Military History; “Jonathan Mirsky, “China’s War with Japan,” by Rana Mitter, review, Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2009 and “In Whose Service?”, The Spectator, June 22, 2013; M. Stanton Evans, Blacklisted by History; John Haynes, “Was Harry Hopkins a Soviet Spy?”, Frontpage, 2013; Alan Brinkley, “The Legacy of John F. Kennedy,” The Atlantic, Aug. 2013; William F. Jasper, “The Communist Agent Who Caused Pearl Harbor—and Global Economic Havoc,” New American, Wednesday, 11 December 2013.
Chapter 9 (1960s—Renegades and Reformers)
The Space Race: Keith Tolman, "Aero Commander," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dianna Everett, "Cobb, Geraldyn M.," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bill Moore, “Cooper, Leroy Gordon, Jr., The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture;Bill Moore, "Garriott, Owen K.," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bill Moore, “Lucid, Shannon Matilda Wells,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bill Moore, "Stafford, Thomas Patten," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Ben Evans, “How About Now?: Remembering Gordon Cooper’s Faith 7 Mission” (Part 1), AmericaSpace, May 16, 2015; Ben Evans, “‘The Right Man’: Remembering Gordon Cooper’s Faith 7 Mission (Part 2),” AmericaSpace, May 17, 2015.
Jerrie Cobb: three separate articles in The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Associated Press, “Girl Cosmonaut Ridicules Praying of U.S. Woman Pilot,” Racine (WI) Journal-Times Sunday Bulletin, July 7, 1963: Clare Boothe Luce, “The U.S. Team is Still Warming Up the Bench, but Some People Simply Never Get the Message,” Life, June 28, 1963; Paul F. Lambert and Bob Blackburn, “Thomas P. Stafford: Expanding Horizons,” You Know We Belong to the Land; “Geraldyn ‘Jerrie’ M. Cobb,” Aviation Power, National Aviation Hall of Fame; Amy Shira Teitel, “Why Did the Mercury 13 Astronauts Never Fly in Space?” Popular Science, July 17, 2016; Paul F. Lambert and Bob Blackburn, “Exploring a New Frontier: Oklahomans in Space,” You Know We Belong to the Land; Tim Sharp, Valentina Tereshkova: First Woman In Space, Space.com, Jan. 22, 2018; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2018; Margaret Weitekamp, Dorothy Cochrane, “Remembering Geraldyn “Jerrie” Cobb, Pioneer Woman Aviator,” Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, April 18, 2019; Katherine Q. Seelye, “Geraldyn M. Cobb, 88, Who Found a Glass Ceiling in Space, Dies,” New York Times, April 19, 2019.
Legislative Reapportionment: United States Congress, Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the United States Congress, Volume 111, Part 11; Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Latting, Patience Sewell,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, www.okhistory.org; Danney Goble, "Government and Politics ," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, www.okhistory.org; Brad Agnew, "Twentieth-Century Oklahoma," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, www.okhistory.org; Bryan Dean, Steve Lackmeyer, “Former Oklahoma City Mayor Patience Latting dies at age 94,” The Oklahoman, Dec. 30, 2012
James Caster, author interview, 2020.
Mickey Mantle: Max Nichols, "Mantle, Mickey Charles," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Mickey Mantle, “Time in a Bottle,” Sports Illustrated, April 18, 1994; David Falkner, “The Last Days of Mickey Mantle,” Dallas Observer, Dec. 14, 1995; Bill Madden, “Ex-Yankee pitcher Tom Sturdivant dies at 78,” New York Daily News, March 1, 2009; Berry Tramel, “Capitol Hill grad Tom Sturdivant, 78, dies,” The Oklahoman, March 1, 2009; Bob Costas, Mickey Mantle’s Eulogy; Ken Burns, Baseball; Harold Friend, “Mickey Mantle’s 565 Foot Home Run,” Bleacher Report, April 12, 2009; Larry Schwartz, “Mantle was first in fans’ hearts,” espn.com; “The story behind Mickey Mantle’s 1964 walkoff Series home run,” Sports Illustrated, Oct. 29, 2010; Jason Romano, “Mickey Mantle gave his life to Christ on his deathbed,” Sports Spectrum, Aug., 2017; “Mickey Mantle,” BaseballHistorian.com; “1964 World Series,” Baseball-Reference.com; Dave Sittler, “Commerce Residents Remember,” The Daily Oklahoman,, Aug. 14, 1995; Bob Hersom, “Mantle Legend Won’t be Forgotten,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 14, 1995.
Warren Spahn: Dianna Everett, "Camp Gruber," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Max Nichols, "Spahn, Warren Edward," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bryan Painter, “Memories of a legend and a father,” The Oklahoman, March 16, 2008; Jenni Carlson, “How Baseball Hall of Famer Warren Spahn came to make his home in Oklahoma,” The Oklahoman,, Jan. 13, 2015; Mike Goodpaster, “The Top Ten Left-Handed Pitchers in Baseball History,” The Grueling Truth, June 1, 2016.
Don Demeter: Don Demeter, Berry Tramel interview, 2010; Jenni Carlson, “Don Demeter is ‘one of a kind,’” The Oklahoman Aug. 3, 2010; Ed Godfrey, “The Collected Wisdom of Don Demeter,” The Oklahoman, Aug. 18, 2018; Cole Cleveland, author interview, 2018; Caden Cleveland, author interview, 2018; Clancey Stewart, author interview, 2018.
Republican Renaissance: Katherine Hatch, “Burkett Beats Out Beall For Republican Chairman With Support of Bellmon,” Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 21, 1963; “Gary Backs Paper’s Stand,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 16, 1966; Stephen Jones, Oklahoma In State and Nation Politics, Vol. 1, 1907 to 1962; James R. Scales, Danney Goble, Oklahoma Politics: A History; Steve Byas, “Governor Raymond Gary: Looking at Oklahoma Today,” Oklahoma Constitution, Winter 1986; Ronald Keith Gaddie, “Republican Party,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Von Russell Creel, “Right to Work,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Randy Ellis, “Former American Legion commander dies—Preston Moore was nominated in 1966 gubernatorial race,” The Oklahoman, Sept. 3, 2004; Paul Hollrah, “‘Operation Secret Ballot’: the 1966 GOP Election Reform Project,” Tulsa Today, Nov. 11, 2014; Paul Hollrah, “‘Operation Secret Ballot’: the 1966 GOP Election Reform Project,” McCarville Report, Nov. 12, 2014; Paul R. Hollrah, “Voter Fraud in Oklahoma, Circa 1966,” Oklahoma Constitution; Paul R. Hollrah, author interview, 2018.
Henry Bellmon: Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Henry Louis Bellmon,” Oklahoma’s Governors 1955-1979; Steve Byas, The Oklahoma Constitution, Winter 1986; Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Bellmon, Henry Louis,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “About Henry Bellmon,” Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University; James R. Scales, Danney Goble, Oklahoma Politics: A History; James Caster, author interview, 2020.
Oklahoma Nukes: Landry Brewer, “The Missiles of Oklahoma: Southwest Oklahoma’s Role in the American Cold War Nuclear Arsenal, 1960-65,” Chronicles of Oklahoma, Fall 2017;
Urban Migration: John Wooley, “A History of Mazeppa Pompazoidi,” Tulsa World, Oct. 2, 1992; Mark Beutler, “TV Memories with Ms. Ida B.,” 405 Magazine, April 2014; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2018.
Henry Bellmon: Steve Byas, “Race for Governor: Bellmon vs. Fair,” The Oklahoma Constitution, Winter 1986; OKC Busing: John Perry, “Judge Adds Chapter To Desegregation Case,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 8, 1991; Martin Hauan, He Buys Organs for Churches, Pianos for Bawdy Houses.
Supreme Court Disgraced: Otis Sullivant, “Blankenship Forces House Committee Inquiry Into Possible Bribery,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 22, 1965; Jim Young, “House Republican Leader Calls for State Judiciary Probe,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 22, 1965; “Welch’s Personal Life Investigated,” Daily Oklahoman, March 12, 1965; Jim Young, “Two Judges Face Impeachment,” Daily Oklahoman, March 22, 1965; Jim Young, “House Votes to Impeach Johnson on Two Counts,” Daily Oklahoman, March 25, 1965; Otis Sullivant, “Judges Fear Public’s Wrath at Polls,” Daily Oklahoman, March 28, 1965; “Disciplinary Action for Justice Johnson Voted After Inquiry,” Daily Oklahoman, April 4, 1965; Transcript of Proceedings of the Senate, 30th Legislature, Sitting as a Court of Impeachment, State of Oklahoma vs. N. B. Johnson, Justice of the Supreme Court; Ray Parr, “$10,000 Paid to Johnson as Bribe in Court Cases, Corn Says at Court Trial,” Daily Oklahoman, May 7, 1965; Ray Parr, “Justice Johnson Says He’s Going to Testify,” Daily Oklahoman, May 8, 1965; Ray Parr, “Johnson’s Accuser Under Hot Attack,” Daily Oklahoman, May 9, 1965; Ray Parr, “Johnson Tells of Using Hidden Cash,” Daily Oklahoman, May 11, 1965; Ray Parr, “Johnson’s Income Record Unraveled,” Daily Oklahoman, May 12, 1965; Ray Parr, “Senate Ponders Verdict Today on Justice Johnson,” Daily Oklahoman, May 13, 1965; Ray Parr, “Justice Johnson Ousted,” Daily Oklahoman, May 14, 1965; Jim Young, “It’s Time for Tears, Not Cheers,” Daily Oklahoman,, May 14, 1965; “Deepening Cloud,” Daily Oklahoman, June 5, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Bar Insists Three Judges Innocent,” June 6, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Corn Claims Switch Made in Statement,” Daily Oklahoman, June 8, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Cargill Hinted of Court Ties, Witness Says,” Daily Oklahoman, June 10, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Cargill Jurors Told of $150,000 Cache Buried Under Water,” Daily Oklahoman, June 11, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Cargill Denies Bribes from Witness Stand,” Daily Oklahoman, June 13, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Nance Says Cargill Made $10,000 to Influence Justice,” Daily Oklahoman, June 15, 1965; Katherine Hatch, “Jury Convicts Cargill,” Daily Oklahoman, June 16, 1965; “To Sin by Silence,” Daily Oklahoman, June 18, 1965; 364 F.2d 654, In the Matter of Harlan E. GRIMES, United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit, July 28, 1966; Jim Young, “McCarty Beaten After 13 Terms,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 9, 1966; Babs Fenwick, “J. D. Lived 26 Years In House,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 9, 1966; “O. A. Cargill,” biography, City of Oklahoma City; Katherine Hatch, “Tax Indictment Names McCarty,” Daily Oklahoman, April 7, 1967; Jim Young, “Both Court Questions Carry,” Daily Oklahoman, July 12, 1967; Katherine Hatch, “McCarty to Testify in Tax Evasion Trial,” Daily Oklahoman, July 18, 1967; Katherine Hatch, “McCarty Jurors Told of Efforts for Betting Bills,” Daily Oklahoman, July 19, 1967; Katherine Hatch, “Witness Says McCarty Shy by $32,257,” Daily Oklahoman, July 20, 1967; Katherine Hatch, “Earlier Statements, Testimony Conflict in McCarty Trial,” Daily Oklahoman, July 21, 1967; “Trial Tensions Mount,” Daily Oklahoman, July 21, 1967; Katherine Hatch, “McCarty Says Oversight Duties as House Speaker Caused Discrepancies,” Daily Oklahoman, July 22, 1967; Katherine Hatch, “McCarty Guilty on Two Counts,” Daily Oklahoman, July 23, 1967; “J. D.’s Face Shows Strain of Ordeal,” Daily Oklahoman, July 23, 1967; Ray Parr, “Grimes Retracts at Present Court,” Daily Oklahoman, June 14, 1968; “Justices Bow Out of Grimes Case,” Daily Oklahoman, July 10, 1968; Gene Howard, “Gavel to Gavel: ‘Supreme’ History,” Journal Record, May 17, 2007; “Former Oklahoma House Speaker J. D. McCarty Dead,” United Press International, Jan. 1, 1981; “Knowing the Territory Paid Off for McCarty,” Tulsa World, Sept. 28, 1992; Linda Burkett O’Hern, “Supreme Court Scandal Examined,” Daily Oklahoman, February 23, 1997; David Zizzo, “Nance Family Turmoil Lingers Years After Death,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 28, 1989.
Dewey Bartlett: Bob Burke and Kenny Franks, Dewey F. Bartlett: The Bartlett Legacy; Danny F. Kee, “Dewey Follett Bartlett, 1967-1971,” Oklahoma’s Governors 1955-1979; Bob Burke, "Bartlett, Dewey Follett," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Right to Work/Question 409: Von Russell Creel, “Right to Work,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Dixie Mafia: “Blast Destroys Judge’s Auto,” Daily Oklahoman, May 27, 1968; Pugh vs. State, 1974, Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals, law.justia.com; Kim Stott, “Law Enforcement Training Chief Stepping Down After 20 Years,” Daily Oklahoman, July 10, 1983; Ray Robinson, “DA Drops Case Against Bowen,” Daily Oklahoman, July 31, 1987; Charolette Aiken, “City Native Accused in Scam Ad from Prison Said to Have Reaped Millions,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 11, 1990; “Kirksey Nix Jr. tied to slaying—Indictment links scam, 2 murders,” Tulsa World, May 22, 1991; Gina Holland, “Federal Trial Tells a Story of Cold-Blooded Death, Prison Scam with Gay Men,” Associated Press, Oct. 20, 1991; Ron Owens, Oklahoma Justice: The Oklahoma City Police, a Century of Gunfighters, Gangsters, and Terrorists; Chuck Ervin, “Colorful judge molded cockfighting’s history,” Tulsa World, Nov. 10, 2002; “Notorious killer dies in prison medical facility,” Tulsa World, Dec. 21, 2006; Adrianna Iwasinski, New OSBI Interim Director Unanimously Approved, KWTV News 9, July 27th 2010; Edward Humes, Mississippi Mud; William H. (Bill) Bliss, Obituary, Muskogee Phoenix, Jan. 15, 2011; Bob Gibbins, “Longtime local adjudicator, Bill Bliss, dies at 72,” Tahlequah Daily Press, Jan. 17, 2011; Jack Reavis, “Tahlequah citizen Rex Brinlee described as ‘bad seed,’” Tahlequah Daily Press, Feb. 1, 2015; Dee Cordry, “The Dixie Mafia Part 1,” The State Crime Bureau Journal; Dee Cordry, “The Dixie Mafia Part 2,” The State Crime Bureau Journal; Anita Lee, “An ‘ice cold’ murder conspiracy ended Margaret and Vincent Sherry’s lives 30 years ago,” Biloxi (MS) Sun Herald, Sept. 14, 2017; Dee Cordry, author interviews, 2018; Harvey Pratt, author interview, 2018; Dick Wilkerson, author interview, 2018; “K. O. Rayburn,” Oklahoma Law Enforcement Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Historical Society; Grant D. Crawford, “Victim's daughter recalls near-fatal attack on her dad,” Tahlequah Daily Press, Oct. 5, 2020; Grant D. Crawford, “Convict called ‘evil’ man who committed horrible acts,” Tahlequah Daily Press, Oct. 7, 2020.
Chapter 10 (1960s—The Times They are a 'Changin')
Women: Linda W. Reese, “Women,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Heather Clemmer, “‘My Heart Had Been Burdened for the Orphaned and Homeless Children’: Religious Imperative and Maternalism in the Work of Mattie Mallory,” This Land Is Herland Program Series, Oklahoma Historical Society.
Hannah Atkins: Stefanie Lee Decker, "Atkins, Hannah Diggs," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Charles Owens: Hugh Hall, “Owens Appointed First Negro Jurist for State,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 19, 1968; Graham Lee Brewer, “Charles Owens, state’s first appointed black judge, dies at 86,” The Oklahoman, May 27, 2016; Charles Owens Obituary, The Oklahoman May 29, 2016.
Beverly’s Chicken: Marian Clark, The Route 66 Cookbook: Comfort Food from the Mother Road; Brianna Bailey, “Locally developed delicacy, Chicken in the Rough, once sold at restaurants nationwide,” The Oklahoman, July 25, 2014.
Desegregation: “Priest, 12 Other Sit-In Demonstrators Arrested at Downtown Cafeteria,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 12, 1961; Norris Vitchek, “Confessions of a Block-Buster,” Saturday Evening Post, 1962; Bob Ruggles, “Board Rejects Force Bussing of Students,” Daily Oklahoman, May 30, 1969; “Integration: Deepening Quagmire,” Nov. 7, 1969; Larry O'Dell, “Amusement Parks,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Jerry E. Stephens, “Bohanon, Luther Lee,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Jerry E. Stephens, “Busing,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Desegregation in Oklahoma City,” The Oklahoman, May 16, 2004; “Complaints Begin After Tulsa Amusement Park's Lease Isn't Renewed,” Associated Press, Nov. 11, 2006; What Really Happened To Bell’s Amusement Park?” KOTV, Tulsa, Aug. 30, 2007; Stanford White, author interviews 2007-2018; “What Became of Theodore GX?” The Oklahoman, Sept. 7, 2008; Anita Arnold, author interviews 2008, 2009, 2018; Brian Erwin, “Bell’s, Back In Business,” Tulsa World, Aug. 15, 2013; Whet Moser, “How White Housing Riots Shaped Chicago,” Chicago magazine, April 29, 2015; “Frank Cox Obituary,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 24, 2015.
Earl Scarborough: Jon Denton, “Black Artist Finds Beauty,” Daily Oklahoman, May 7, 1969; Anita Arnold, author interview, 2019.
Martin Luther King Jr.: Jim Reid, “King Calls Both Rights Planks Strong,” Daily Oklahoman, July 30, 1960; Lori Lynn, “Before ‘the dream,’ there was Oklahoma City,” The Oklahoman, Aug. 28, 2015.
OKC Sanitation Strike: Ron Fulkerson, “Direct Action Strike Urged,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 28, 1969; Nancy Kell, “Emergency Declared for Sections of City,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 31, 1969; Dave Dryden, “Protest March Readied,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 31, 1969; John Greiner, “Several Hundred Students Parade,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 31, 1969; Nancy Kell, “City Facing Major Racial Crisis, Oldland Declares,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 31, 1969; “Mayor, Council Solidly Support Oldland Stand,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 15, 1969; “Bohanon Again Refuses to Stay Integration Plan,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 15, 1969; “Making Welfare a Right,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 15, 1969; Nancy Kell, Dave Dryden, “Sanitation Strikes On, Marathon Talks Futile,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 19, 1969; Nancy Kell, “Proposed Pay Raises Get Council Group’s Approval,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 22, 1969; Dave Dryden, “Strikers Call Vote Today,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 22, 1969; Nancy Kell, “Rehiring Policies Snag Settlement,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 23, 1969; Jim Jackson, “69 Garbage Workers Apply for Jobs Back,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 23, 1969; “Time for Compromise,” The Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 31, 1969; Katherine Hatch, “Black Friday March Peaceful All the Way,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 1, 1969; Dave Dryden, “Calm Crowd Makes Point, Goes Quietly,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 2, 1969; John Greiner, “Strike Leaders, Officials of City Set Up Parley,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 2, 1969; “Let’s Settle It Now,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 2, 1969; Nancy Kell, “Talks Break Down in City Sanitation Fuss,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 4, 1969; Ron Fulkerson, “200 March to Mansion,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 5, 1969; Nancy Kell, “Plan Reported Vetoed Earlier,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 5, 1969; “Mansion Gets Encore Call,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 2, 1969; Nancy Kell, “Happy Friday: Strike Settled,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 7, 1969; Dave Dryden, “Everbody Loves Everybody Now,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 7, 1969; ; “Safely Past a Crisis,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 8, 1969; Ron Owens, Oklahoma Justice: The Oklahoma City Police, a Century of Gunfighters, Gangsters, and Terrorists; Dick Pryor, “A Conversation with Clara Luper,” OETA, 2008; Frank Cox, author interview, 2008; Ken Raymond, “Black Muslim Killings Gain New Attention,” The Oklahoman, Sept. 7, 2008; Stanton Young, Obituary, The Oklahoman, March 17, 2015; James Murray, “Okie Islam,” This Land, Sept. 8, 2016.
E. Melvin Porter: Larry O'Dell, "Porter, Edward Melvin," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, www.okhistory.org; “Oklahoma’s First Black State Senator Dies,” The Oklahoman, July 26, 2016.
W. K. Jackson: John Perry, “Happy Preacher' Remembers 60 Years in the Pulpit,” Daily Oklahoman, March 4, 1989; “Well-respected pastor dies at 89,” Daily Oklahoman, June 13, 2003; Carla Hinton, “City minister to head Baptist denomination,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 9, 2012; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2018;
Benjamin Harrison Hill: “Benjamin Harrison Hill,” Tulsa Historical Society and Museum; “Benjamin Harrison Hill: Benjamin Harrison Hill 1904-1971,” Oklahoma Arts Council.
George Henderson: Dick Pryor, author interviews, 2013, 2015; Miguel Rios, “Black State,” Oklahoma Gazette, Feb. 19, 2020.
Pete’s Place: David G. LoConto, “The Maintenance of Ethnicity: Italian-Americans in Southeastern Oklahoma”; Tom Crowl, author interview, 2017.
Cuban Missile Crisis: “City Post Hot Spot,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 23, 1962; “U.S. Orders Arms Blockade to Cut Off Arms Shipments,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 23, 1962; Larry Levy, “Major General Thomas J. Gent Jr.”, U.S. Air Force.
John F. Kennedy: Victor Lasky, JFK: The Man and the Myth; Kenneth F. O’Donnell and David F. Powers, “Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye; Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot; Robert Dallek, An Unfinished Life, John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963; Errol Morris, director, The Fog of War; James W. Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable; James W. Douglass, “A President for Peace: The deadly consequences of J.F.K.’s attempts at reconciliation,” America magazine, Nov. 6, 2013; Roger Stone, The Man Who Killed Kennedy; DeNeen L. Brown, “The enduring legacy of Jaqueline Kennedy, a master at shaping public appearance,” Washington Post, Nov. 20, 2013.
Pete Hunting: Jill Hunting, Finding Pete: Rediscovering the Brother I Lost in Vietnam; Michael Kimball, “Wartime Letters Tell of Oklahoman’s Tours in Vietnam,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 12, 2009; Ken Burns, The Vietnam War; Oliver Grant, “Peter Hunting Civilian Vietnam Volunteer,” Ninja Pundit Blogspot, Sept. 29, 2017.
Homefront: Jay Gourley and Harold Pumford, “Taunts Stop OU War Protest,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 6, 1967; “Price of Violence,” Daily Oklahoman, May 6, 1970; Rome Tempest, “OU Protest of ROTC Calm Although Four Arrested, Daily Oklahoman, May 13, 1970; “J. H. Hollomon Dead; Ex-Oklahoma U. Head,” New York Times, March 11, 1985; John W. Miller, "Vietnam War Protests,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “History,” Sooner Strong, University of Oklahoma Army ROTC.
Riley Pitts: Joseph Bernardo, “Pitts, Riley Leroy, 1937-1967,” The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed; “Riley L. Pitts,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Historical Society; Rebecca Cantrell, “Widow, brother of first African-American Medal of Honor recipient visit Oklahoma City Students, KFOR-TV, April 23, 2015.
Alan Milacek: Alan Milacek, Magnet Ass and the Stone-Cold Truck Hunters; “Alan Milacek,” obituary, Enid News & Eagle, Feb. 25, 2017; Will Cunningham, Magnet Ass and the Stone-Cold Truck Hunters, book review, Will Cunningham Books; David Christy, “Stone-cold truck hunters,” Enid News & Eagle, Oct. 13, 2018.
Jane Ann Jayroe Gamble: Linda D. Wilson, “Miss America,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bryan Painter, “Jane Jayroe remembers 1967 Vietnam tour as time of tears, smiles,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 9, 2011; Jane Ann Jayroe Gamble, author interview, 2013; James Caster, author interviews, 2020.
Dan Glenn: “Danny Elloy Glenn,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma History Center; “Before, During and After: The 3 cups of Danny Glenn’s long life include 6 years as a POW in Vietnam, KFOR TV, Oct. 25, 2019; Andy Rieger, author interview, 2019.
Cecil Cornish: Michael McNutt, “Father, son follow rodeo road,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 20, 1999; “Cecil Cornish, 94; Rodeo Trick Rider in Cowboy Hall of Fame,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 7, 2003; Richard Anderson, author interviews, 2017, 2019; Jaycee Perry, author interview, 2020; Gene Anderson, author interviews, 2020, 2021.
Indian Nations Restoration: Robert B. Allen, Jr., “Arapahos Charge Police Brutality,” Daily Oklahoman, April 1, 1964; Dave Klement, “Awards Given to Five Cities,” Daily Oklahoman, April 4, 1964; Frank Garner, “Watonga Mayor Denies Charges of Discrimination,” Daily Oklahoman, April 8, 1964; “Indians Fail to Back Up Charges of Brutality, Bias at Watonga,” Daily Oklahoman, April 9, 1964; Kim McConnell, “1968: A Year of Civil Unrest,” Lawton Constitution, June 10, 1968; Lyndon B. Johnson, “The Forgotten American: The President’s Message to the Congress on Goals and Programs for American Indians”; “Tribal Voting Bill Offered,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 6, 1969; Richard Nixon, Special Message on Indian Affairs, July 8, 1970; National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum: Roy P. Stewart, Born Grown; Joan M. Biskupic, “J. C. Kennedy: You’re Either With Him or Against Him,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 20, 1983; Joan M. Biskupic, “Lawton Judge Orders Transfer of Bank Stock,” The Oklahoman, May 1, 1983; Lyman H. Legters, Fremont J. Lyden, eds., American Indian Policy: Self-Governance and Economic Development; Sterling Fluharty, “Harris, LaDonna Vita Tabbytite,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Fred Harris, Does People Do It?; “William R. Carmack,” Hall of Fame Member Biographies, Oklahoma Higher Education Heritage Society; Thomas A. Britten, The National Council on Indian Opportunity; Lisa J. Billy, author interviews, 2016, 2018; Gary Batton, author interview, 2017; Lisa Reed, author interview, 2017; William Carmack, author interviews, 2017, 2018;
TG&Y: - Odie B. Faulk, The Making of a Merchant: Raymond A. Young and TG&Y Stores by Odie B. Faulk, 1980; Kevin Leval, “TG&Y's Latest Exec Team Finalizing New Turnaround Plan,” The Oklahoman, Jan. 9, 1986; “Say Goodbye to TG&Y," The Journal Record, Dec. 3, 2001; Steve Lackmeyer, “The Demise of TG&Y,” OKC History website, Jan. 27, 2009.
Merle Haggard: Larry O'Dell, “Haggard, Merle Ronald,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Turner Falls: Joe Sanchez, “Turner Falls,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Chapter 11 (1970s-Battles on the Homefront)
Te Ata: Rodger Harris, “Te Ata,” The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Bob Kalsu: Keith Nolan, Ripcord: Screaming Eagles Under Siege, Vietnam 1970; “Bob Kalsu,” Oklahomans in the Vietnam War, Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Peter Brush, “The Withdraw from Khe Sanh,” Vietnam magazine, June 12, 2006; Scott Pitoniak, “The Short, Heroic Life of Robert Kalsu,” The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly: Buffalo Bills: Heart-Pounding, Jaw-Dropping, and Gut-Wrenching Moments from Buffalo Bills History; Gordon M. Goldstein, “JFK and Vietnam,” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 22, 2008; Steve Richardson, “Bob Kalsu,” 100 Things Oklahoma Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die; Harvey Pratt, Oklahoma Law Enforcement Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Historical Society; Robert Mays, “The Death of Bob Kalsu,” Grantland, August 30, 2013; J. Blake Wade, Voices of Oklahoma interview, John Erling, 2014; Bob Kalsu honored in Del City for service in Vietnam CHRISTIAN CLARK; February 6, 2016; Matt Patterson, “173rd Airborne Brigade Veterans Hold Oklahoma City Reunion,” The Oklahoman, May 19, 2017; Ken Burns, The Vietnam War; Vietnam War; Allied Troop Levels 1960-73; Benjamin L. Harrison, Hell On A Hill Top: America's Last Major Battle In Vietnam.
Vietnam War: “Vietnam War Allied Troop Levels 1960-1973,” American War Library, Dept. of Defense Manpower Data Center; Stewart O’Nan, The Vietnam Reader;. Gregory Hamilton, “The Forgotten History of ‘Fragging’ In Vietnam, The Huffington Post, Nov. 26, 2017; George C. Herring, America’s Longest War; William Lloyd Stearman, “America Lost Vietnam but Saved Southeast Asia,” Wall Street Journal, Jan. 27, 2019; Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, thewall-usa.com.
Vietnam War: Homefront – “Campuses in Turmoil,” Daily Oklahoman, May 5, 1970; “Sniper First to Fire, Guard General Says,” Associated Press, May 5, 1970; “State Students Cool to Strike,” Daily Oklahoman, May 5, 1970; Rone Tempest, “OU Students, Police Clash Over Protest,” Daily Oklahoman, May 6, 1970; “Sooner Vote Called on Student Strike,” Daily Oklahoman, May 6, 1970; “Firebrands and Tinder,” Daily Oklahoman, May 7, 1970; Ron Fulkerson, “President Hollomon Keeps Cool In Crisis,” Daily Oklahoman, May 7, 1970; Rone Tempest, “OU Boycott Plan Rejected,” Daily Oklahoman, May 7, 1970; Chris Casteel, “1970s Activism Shaped State’s Leaders,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 27, 1992; John W. Miller, "Vietnam War Protests,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dan Collins, “Order to Open Fire in Kent State Shooting?”, CBS News, May 1, 2007; Eliza Berman, How Life Magazine Covered the Kent State Shootings,” Time, May 4, 2015; Cydney Adams, “May 4, 1970: Guardsmen open fire on Kent State protesters,” CBS News, May 4, 2016; Sarah Eppler Janda, “Protesting Vietnam: Student Voices in a Time of War,” Oklahoma Humanities, Fall-Winter 2017; Jerry D. Moreland, “Two New Perspectives on the Kent State Shootings, Vietnam Magazine, February 2017; Sarah Janda, Prairie Power: Student Activism, Counterculture, and Backlash in Oklahoma; Former ROTC cadet, author interview, 2018; Anne Barajas Harp, “100 Years Strong,” Sooner Magazine, Fall 2018.
Bill Schwertfeger: William R. Schwertfeger, Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma History Center; Phyllis Zorn, “Former P.O.W.: Faith Saw Him Through ‘Hanoi Hilton,’” Enid News & Eagle, Aug. 10, 2013; Jeff Mullin, “Former POW remembers those who have never come home,” Enid News & Eagle, Sept. 15, 2017; Chad Williams, author interview, 2018; “William R. Schwertfeger,” P.O.W. Network, www.pownetwork.org; “Bill Schwertfeger Honored,” P.O.W. Network, www.pownetwork.org.
Vietnamese Refugees: Jim Killackey, “Rogers State Ex-Chief Gets $250,000 Deal,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 4, 1996; “RSU Provides Haven for Vietnamese Refugees,” Rogers State University, Aug. 24, 2007; April Macriszewski, “More laughter than tears,” Tulsa World, Sept. 1, 2007; U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 census; Xuan Pham, interview, Oklahoma Historical Society; Stratton Taylor, “Dr. Mosier’s online success,” Claremore Daily Progress, Jan. 18, 2012; “Richard Mosier, Claremore Hall of Fame Induction,” Claremore Daily Progress, May 10, 2017.
McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System: Richard Nixon, Remarks at the Dedication of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, June 5, 1971; James Johnson, “25,000 Cheer Nixon at Tulsa Port Dedication,” Daily Oklahoman, June 6, 1971; Anne Hodges Morgan, Robert S. Kerr: The Senate Years; Carl Albert, Danney Goble, Little Giant: The Life and Times of Speaker Carl Albert; Larry O'Dell, “McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Frank Keating, author interview, 2019; “Flooding in Oklahoma,” National Weather Service.
Leon Russell & Church Studio: Hugh W. Foley, Jr., “Russell, Leon,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Teresa Cox, Tulsa Rotary Club Presentation, Aug. 8, 2015; Jerry Wofford, “With new owners, The Church Studio aims for recognition,” Tulsa World, Oct. 27, 2016;.
Busing: “Sentencing of Dowells Due Today,” The Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 23, 1970; Katherine Hatch,” Dowell Vows to Keep Council Job,” The Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 24, 1970; Tom Boone, “City Voters Pass Millage, Dr. Moon, Mrs. York Win,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 26, 1972; “School Board Should Appeal,” Feb. 2, 1972; Jim Reid, “Lillard Vows to Halt Violence in Schools,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 1, 1972; John Greiner, “School Fights Lead to Arrrest of 17 Juveniles,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 1, 1972; Tom Boone, “Problems Small at Most Schools,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 1, 1972; Boyce Bowdon, Jerry Powell, “Busing Flights Hikes School Rolls of Nearby Towns,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 3, 1972; Bryce Patterson, “School System End Proposed,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 3, 1972; Bryce Patterson, “Civic Clubs, Clergy Plan Peace-Keeping Activity at Schools,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 5, 1972; Tom Boone, “Students ‘Cool It’ at Douglass,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 8, 1972; Jim Killackey, “City Schools Get Orders to Increase Racial Mixing,” Daily Oklahoman, May 3, 1974; John Greiner, “Two Shot During Riot at Grant High School,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 19, 1975; Jim Killackey, “Classes Open Today,” The Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 19, 1975; Kevin Donovan, “Gun Wound Fatal to Boy In Grant Riot,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 21, 1975; “Fight Erupts at Southeast,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 11, 1972; Tom Boone, “Five Hurt as Fights Flare at Southeast Second Day In a Row,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 12, 1972; Paul Delaney, “School Integration Gaining in Racine, Wisconsin,” New York Times, Oct. 22, 1975; Jim Killackey, “ Briggs Jury Deadlocked 5-1 After Deliberating 4 Hours,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 6, 1976; Tom McCarthy, “Briggs Found Guilty in Student Shooting Death, Daily Oklahoman, June 9, 1976; Ray Soldan, “Douglass’ Diggs Won’t Be Forgotten,” The Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 19, 1990; Kevin D. Brown, “Recent Developments in the Termination of School Desegregation Decrees,” Maurer School of Law, Indiana University, 1993; Steve Wedel, Jennifer Boggs, “Dr. Dowell honored with bridge naming,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 24, 2000; “Desegregation in Oklahoma City,” The Oklahoman, May 16, 2004; Jerry E. Stephens, “Bohanon, Luther Lee,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Jerry E. Stephens, “Busing,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Nora Froeschle, “School integration, magnet plan/forced busing: Tulsa used a magnet approach,” Tulsa World, July 15, 2007; Megan Rolland, “Integration drastically reduced Oklahoma City schools' population,” The Oklahoman, April 17, 2011; Alana Samuels, “The City That Believed in Desegregation,” The Atlantic, March 27, 2015; Berry Tramel, “Oakland travelblog: Winford Boynes’ gym & Burmese food,” The Oklahoman, May 18, 2016; Tim Willert, “Former OKC school board member dies,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 5, 2017; Tim Brassfield, author interview, 2019; Glen Cosper, author interview, 2019; Susie Dake, author interview, 2019; Reggie Dowdy, author interview, 2019; David Greenwell, author interview, 2019; Tom Hibbitts, author interview, 2019; Teje Hopson, author interview, 2019; Mark Robinson, author interview, 2019; Stanford White, author interview, 2019; Nanette Williams, author interview, 2019; James Caster, author interview, 2020.
F. D. Moon: Jimmie Lewis Franklin, Journey Toward Hope: A History of Blacks in Oklahoma William D. Welge, “Moon, Frederick Douglass,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Stanford White, author interviews, 2008-2016.
Springlake Amusement Park: Tom Boone and Tom Mundy, “30 Arrested, Scores Hurt In 3-Hour Riot Started at City Amusement Park,” Daily Oklahoman, April 12, 1971; William Boone, “Springlake Park: An Oklahoma City Playground Remembered,” Chronicles of Oklahoma 69, Spring 1991; Larry O'Dell, “Amusement Parks,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Douglas Loudenback, Springlake Amusement Park.
Carl Albert: Martin Hauan, How to Win Elections Without Hardly Cheatin’ At All; Carl Albert, Danney Goble, Little Giant: The Life and Times of Speaker Carl Albert; Erin M. Sloan, Albert, Carl Bert, Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; James Caster, author interviews, 2017, 2019.
David Boren: Carolyn G. Hanneman, “David Lyle Boren, 1975-1979,” Oklahoma’s Governors 1955-1979, Ed. LeRoy H. Fischer; “Reuel Winfred Little,” obituary, Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 2, 1993; “Former State First Lady Janna Robbins Dies,” Daily Oklahoman, May 27, 1998; Bob Burke, “Boren, David Lyle,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Randy Krehbiel, “Once friends, Boren and Gallogly now on opposite sides of 'sad rift',” Tulsa World, Dec 16, 2018; Kaylee Douglas, “Gallogly to Boren: ‘If you cross me again, I will destroy you,’ sources say,” KFOR TV, Dec. 11, 2018; Adam Troxtell, “OU Regents approve raises for Norman full-time faculty,” Norman Transcript, Dec 12, 2018; Tres Savage, “OSBI affidavit: Tripp Hall being investigated for rape,” NonDoc,, Oct. 1, 2019; Nolan Clay, “Ex-OU VP’s emails seized in rape inquiry,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 2, 2019; Randy Krehbiel, “OU in dispute with partners in housing development,” Tulsa World, Oct. 6, 2019; Tre Savage, “James Lankford: ‘There will have to be a report’ on Boren investigation,” NonDoc,, Oct. 8, 2019; Kent Frates, author interview, 2020; Tres Savage, “Prosecutor declines to charge David Boren, Tripp Hall,” NonDoc, Oct. 20, 2020.
Karen Silkwood/Kerr McGee: Associated Press, “Death Blamed on Plutonium Racketeers,” San Francisco Examiner, June 3, 1976; Anthony Lewis, Irvin Muchnick, “The Bizarre Career of Jacque Srouji, Alias Lelia Hassan,” More, Oct. 2, 1976;Anthony Lewis, “Not Entirely Pure,” New York Times Aug. 25, 1977; Howard Kohn, “Karen Silkwood Was Right in Plutonium Scandal,” Rolling Stone, Oct. 20, 1977; Howard Kohn, “Nuclear Power On Trial: The Ghosts of Robert Kerr and Karen Silkwood Meet In An Oklahoma Courtroom,” Rolling Stone, May 4, 1978; “Kerr-McGee Settles Gore Case With 13 Plaintiffs,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 13, 1988; Nancy Cleeland, “Future Bleak For Workers At Gore Plant,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 26, 1992; Jay F. Marks, “Anadarko Petroleum to pay $5.15 billion to settle environmental claims against Kerr-McGee,” The Oklahoman, April 4, 2014; Michael Overall, “What to do with radioactive waste in rural Oklahoma town?” Tulsa World, Feb. 10, 2017; Jennifer Learn-Andes, “Compensation still unknown for health issues caused by Kerr-McGee sites,” Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, May 2, 2018; Maureen Wurtz, “44 years later, the death of Karen Silkwood is still a mystery,” KTUL TV, Oct. 29, 2018; James A. Ikard, author interview, 2019.
Dianna Everett, “McSpadden, Clem Rogers,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, https://www.okhistory.org.
Indian Nations Restoration: Brad Agnew, “Keeler, William Wayne,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “William W. Keeler,” New York Times, Aug. 25, 1987; Bob Blackburn, author interviews, 2017, 2018.
Dick Tracy: Adam A. Payne, “Gould, Chester,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
George Nigh: Bob Burke, “Nigh, George Patterson,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Ron Jackson, “Vision for road has faded with time,” The Oklahoman, September 3, 2007; George Nigh, 2013 Oklahoma Girls State Speech, filmed by Leslie Blair; Ted Streuhli, “Periscope: How We Got; ‘Oklahoma,’” The Oklahoman April 17, 2018; Rick Lippert, author interview, 2021.
Chapter 12 (1970s—Crime and Conspiracy)
Ben Johnson: Numerous Ben Johnson motion pictures; Dianna Everett, “Johnson, Ben, Jr.,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Jimmie Tramel, “Saddle up: Pawhuska’s newest attraction is Ben Johnson Cowboy Museum,” Tulsa World, June 15, 2019.
David Hall (Including biography and trial): Ed Montgomery, “Fired Crime Bureau Chief Claims Ouster ‘Political,’” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 5, 1974; Jack Taylor, “Fallis Says He Was Approached About Judgeship,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 5, 1974; Jack Taylor, “Hagedorn Tells of Job,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 6, 1974; “Ouster Prompts Criticism of Hall,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 6, 1974; “Unionist Raps OSBI Selection,” The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 6, 1974; Mike Hammer, “Judge Bars Burkett, Aides From U.S. Court,” Daily Oklahoman, March 12, 1974; Tom Laecky, “Disbarment Struggle Should Test Judge, Defendant,” Daily Oklahoman, March 13, 1974; “Burkett Asks Court to Stop Judge’s Action,” Daily Oklahoman, March 13, 1974;Jack Taylor, “Chandler Kin Linked to Probe by Burkett,” Daily Oklahoman, March 17, 1974; “Derryberry’s Derring-do,” Daily Oklahoman, April 24, 1974; Ed Montgomery, “Hall Rips Derryberry, Calls Him Turncoat,” Daily Oklahoman, April 25, 1974; Mike Hammer, “State Lawmaker Calls for Hall Resignation,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 7, 1974; “Hiding Behind the Fifth,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 9, 1974; Mike Hammer, Jack Taylor, “Hall Indictment Move Seen in Bribery Case,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 16, 1975; Mike Hammer, “Hall Indicted in Bribery Case,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 17, 1975; Jack Taylor, “Intrigue Marked End of Hall Inquiry,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 26, 1975; Mike Hammer, “Hall Says He’s Target of Giant Conspiracy,” March 7, 1975; Judy Fossett, “Hall Conviction Upheld by Appeals Court,” Daily Oklahoman, May 14, 1976; “Former State Examiner and Inspector John M. Rogers Dies,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 9, 1982; Martin Hauan, “Politricks University,” How to Win Elections Without Hardly Cheatin’ At All; LeRoy H. Fischer, Ed., Oklahoma’s Governors 1955-1979: Growth and Reform; Ella Crewson, “Keating honored on 80th birthday,” Tulsa World, Jan. 6, 1989; Wayne Singleterry, “Stephen Chandler, Federal Judge, Dies,” Daily Oklahoman, April 28, 1989; “U.S. Judge Stephen Chandler, 89, Often Feuded With His Colleagues,” New York Times, April 29, 1989; Prosecutor Recalls Rise, Fall of Former Governor Hall, Daily Oklahoman, June 13, 1991; Charlette Aiken, “Indictment Clouded Hall’s Term: Former Governor Convicted,” Daily Oklahoman, April 24, 1994; “Carl G. Ballew,” Obituary, Daily Oklahoman, May 20, 1994; David Zizzo, “Newest First Family Structured, Diverse,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 13, 1994; Tim Hoover, “Hagedorn Named Special Prosecutor,” Tulsa World, May 8, 1997; Randy Ellis, “March 14, 1975: David Hall Convicted of Extortion, Bribery,” Daily Oklahoman, April 18, 1999; Bob Burke, Courage Counts: The Life of Larry Derryberry; Bob Burke, “Hall, David,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dianna Everett, “Keating, Francis Anthony II,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dianna Everett, “McSpadden, Clem Rogers,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; William Burkett, The Fall of David Hall; “Late lawyer D. C. Thomas ‘absolutely lived his work,’” The Oklahoman, April 3, 2009; Dick Pryor, “A Conversation with David Hall,” OETA, 2010; David Hall, Twisted Justice; Chris Casteel, “Former Oklahoma Gov. David Hall’s book tells his side of the bribery story,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 3, 2012; “David Hall, the Dramatic and Controversial Life of Oklahoma’s 20th Governor,” Voices of Oklahoma, April 3, 2012; “Frank Keating, Former Governor of Oklahoma,” Voices of Oklahoma, May 20, 2013; “Fallis Still Inspires Many,” Tulsa World, June 26, 2012; Michael Hightower, Loyal to Oklahoma: The Bancfirst Story; Rick Green, “Former Oklahoma Gov. David Hall dies after stroke,” The Oklahoman, May 6, 2016; “Buddy Fallis, Tulsa County District Attorney,” Voices of Oklahoma, Dec. 20, 2017; Kent Frates, “United States vs. David Hall,” Oklahoma’s Most Notorious Cases,” Kent Frates, author interviews, 2018, 2020.
Larry Derryberry: Bob Burke, Courage Counts: The Life of Larry Derryberry; “Larry Derryberry,” The Oklahoman, Obituary, Nov. 19, 2018; James Caster, author interview, 2020.
Dixie Mafia: Associated Press, “Tahlequah Blast Hits Assistant D.A.’s Truck, June 15, 1969; Lillian Newby, “Tahlequah Bomb Hurts Prosector,” Daily Oklahoman, June 15, 1969; John Greiner, “Nix Turns Himself In,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 10, 1970; “Judge Survives Bombing, Surgery,” Tulsa World, Aug. 26, 1970; Ron Grenko, “Bartlett Sends Trropers to Guard Muskogee Officials, Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 5, 1971; Ivy Coffey, “Bomb Intended for Victim’s Mate?” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 3, 1971; Mark Phillips, “Tulsa Judge Vividly Recalls Day He Was Bombed,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 3, 1971; James Johnson, “Bombing? Brinlee Says Emphatic No,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 13, 1971; Jack Taylor, James Johnson, Jeff Holladay, “Trooper, Park Official Slain,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 18, 1971; Bryce Patterson, “Murder Suspect’s Undercover Role Bared,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 19, 1971; Bryce Patterson, Dena Parkhurst, “Accused Killers Surrender,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 22, 1971; Dorothy Leggett, “Accused Murderer Linked with Coast Dixie Mafia,” Biloxi-Gulfport Daily Herald, April 26, 1971; Associated Press, “Witnesses Testify Against Rex Brinlee,” Ada Evening News, June 16, 1971; Robert B. Allen, “Brinlee Guilty in Bomb Death,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 20, 1971; STATE of Louisiana v. Kirksey McCord NIX et al. No. 56371. Supreme Court of Louisiana. December 8, 1975; ; Judy Fossett, “Mahylon’s Place: Everybody Knew About It,’” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 29, 1983; “Apparent Heart Attack Blamed in Death of Retired Tulsa Judge,” Tulsa World, July 29, 1987; “Murderer Wins Parole Hearing,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 11, 1987; Wayne Greene, “Laughter But No Parole for Brinlee,” Tulsa World, June 15, 1991; Sid Salter, “Kirksey Nix Jr. Linked to Slayings 20 Years Ago In Rural Tennessee,” The Clarion-Ledger, Oct. 27, 1996; “Thomas T. Puckett,” Obituary, Daily Oklahoman, March 1, 1998; Rod Walton, “Grave Matters,” Tulsa World, June 11, 1998; Valdhe Franklin “Red” Pitman, Obituary, Daily Oklahoman, July 9, 1999; Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Risenhoover, Theodore Marshall,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Gene Curtis, Archives, Tulsa World, Nov. 20, 2005; “Dixie Mafia Boss Dies,” Associated Press, Dec. 22, 2006; Gene Curtis, “Only in Oklahoma: Judge survived bombing, but witnesses died, Tulsa World, Oct. 22, 2007; Edward Humes, Mississippi Mud; Tim Stanley, “Bomber, twice-escaped inmate dies in prison,” Tulsa World, Dec. 22, 2009; Leif Wright, Dayne Henry pleaded guilty in 1986 to procuring a child for prostitution, other pimping, Muskogee Now, Nov. 20, 2014; D. E. Smoot, “Dayne Henry to remain fugitive,” Muskogee Phoneix, Nov. 22, 2014; “Thomas T. Puckett, Jr.,” 1st Batallion, 24th Company Marines; Jack Reavis, “The life and crimes of Rex Brinlee: Part 2,” Tahlequah Daily Press, Feb. 8, 2015; Jack Reavis, “The life and crimes of Rex Brinlee: Part 3,” Tahlequah Daily Press, Feb. 15, 2015; Debbie Jackson and Hillary Pittman, “Loving wrong man was downfall for ‘Bootleg Queen’ Cleo Epps, Tulsa World, Feb. 19, 2015; Crystal Price, “Former OSBI investigator honored to be inducted into Oklahoma Law Enforcement Hall of Fame,” KOCO TV News, Dec. 10, 2017; Steve Lackmeyer, “Changes in Store: Expansion coming to Byron’s Liquor Warehouse in Oklahoma City,” The Oklahoman, April 22, 2018; Dee Cordry, author interviews, 2018; Harvey Pratt, author interview, 2018; Dick Wilkerson, author interview, 2018; Claire Donnelly, “How Curious: A Machine Gun Turret on the Roof of a Liquor Store?” KGOU, Nov. 26, 2018.
McAlester Prison Riot: Robert B. Allen, Jerry Powell, “State Prison In Flames,” Daily Oklahoman, July 28, 1973; Ed Montgomery, “Hall Refuses to Negotiate Till All Calm,” Daily Oklahoman, July 28, 1973; Charlotte Gay, “McAlester Area Concern Mounts Over Riot,” Daily Oklahoman, July 28, 1973; Jon Ellis, “Warning Sign Missed,” Daily Oklahoman, July 28, 1973; “Hostages Freed, Revolt Ends,” Daily Oklahoman, July 29, 1973; Robert H. Allen, Jerry Powell, “Hall Confers with Inmates,” Daily Oklahoman, July 29, 1973; Mike Shannon, “Rioters Tell Newsmen Causes for Outbreak at State Prison,” Daily Oklahoman, July 29, 1973; “Inmate Takes Knife Thrust Meant for Guard at Prison,” Daily Oklahoman, July 29, 1973; “Convicts State Complaints Against Prison Conditions,” New York Times Service, July 29, 1973; Stella Roberts, “Riot Came After Reform Started at Prison,” Daily Oklahoman, July 29, 1973; Jerry Powell, “Convict Armed with Knife Saved Us, Says Hostage,” Daily Oklahoman, July 30, 1973; “McAlester’s Time Bomb Goes Off,” Daily Oklahoman, July 30, 1973; Robert B. Allen, “Uneasy Peace Descends Over Tense Penitentiary,” Daily Oklahoman, July 30, 1973; Mike Shannon, “Riot Ravaged Prison Looks Like Bombed Out City,” Daily Oklahoman, July 30, 1973; Mike Shannon, “Prison Search Yields Weapons, Drugs,” Daily Oklahoman, July 31, 1973; Anthony Thornton, “Hissom Lawyer Tops $2 Million in Fees,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 3, 1993; Lynn Musslewhite and Suzanne Jones Crawford, "Barnard, Catherine Ann," The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Gene Curtis, “Only in Oklahoma: Big Mac prison riot cost lives, millions,” Tulsa World, July 21, 2007; “What Became of Theodore GX?” The Oklahoman, Sept. 7, 2008; “David Hall, the Dramatic and Controversial Life of Oklahoma’s 20th Governor,” Voices of Oklahoma, April 3, 2012; Shaun Hittle, “Three Days of Mayhem: the McAlester Riot,” Oklahoma Watch, July 25, 2013; John J. Dwyer, The Oklahomans, Vol. 1; Tom Crowl, author interview, 2017; Todd Crowl, author interview, 2017; Justin Wingerter, “Bobby Battle, whose lawsuit desegregated Oklahoma prisons, dies at 80,” The Oklahoman, Dec. 12, 2017; Sean Murphy, “Oklahoma prisons director says overcrowding crisis worsening,” Associated Press, Jan. 16, 2018; Bobby Cleveland, author interview, 2019; Kent Frates, author interview, 2020; Mike Cathey, “’Rodeo Behind the Walls’ began 80 years ago this fall,” McAlester News, Sept. 6, 2020.
Girl Scout Murders: Michael Wilkerson, Dick Wilkerson, Someone Cry For The Children; Someone Cry For The Children: The Girl Scout Murders documentary film; Kevin J. Ware and Richard A. Marston, “Cookson Hills,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Amy Sullivan, “What fear is like: The Legacy of Trauma, Safety, and Security after the 1977 Girl Scout Murders”; Tim Stanley, 40 years ago, the murders of three Girl Scouts in Oklahoma stunned the nation, created shockwaves still being felt; Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Hunt for accused Girl Scout slayer consumes region while dividing a community,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Girl Scout murders trial ‘was like watching a movie,’ victims' families remember,”Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Girl Scout murders: Strange ‘mission to kill’ note leaves a mystery, stirs conspiracies,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Girl Scout murders: A look at evidence used against Gene Leroy Hart at trial,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Girl Scout murders: Stunning verdict, surprise prison death lead to 40 years of unanswered questions,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Finding good in the aftermath of the Girl Scout murders complicated,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Those who lived through Girl Scout murders still feel impact 40 years after tragedy brought them together,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Tim Stanley, “Light ultimately prevails in the re-telling of the 40-year-old unsolved murder case of three little girls,” Tulsa World, June 8, 2017; Linda Cavanuagh, “Girl Scout Murders: 40 years later and new eyes are looking at the notorious case,” KFOR News, June 13, 2017.
Sirloin Stockade Murders: Kevin Donovan, “Stafford Admitted Call, Agent Says,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 12, 1979; “Prosecutor Kay Huff files suit for divorce,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 16, 1981; Pat Record, “Purcell lawyer wins district attorney job,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 25, 1982; Ken Raymond, “1978 Sirloin Stockade murders remembered,” The Oklahoman, July 16, 2008; Kay Huff, Obituary, The Oklahoman, Jan. 17, 2013; Kent Frates, “The Sirloin Stockade Murders,” Oklahoma’s Most Notorious Cases; Paul Folger, “Family of Sirloin Stockade mass murder victim recounts horror 40 years later,” Feb. 2, 2018, KOCO-TV; John Shelden, “The Stafford Killings of 1978 Part 4: The End,” Odyssey, July 7, 2018.
Chapter 13 (1980s—Bust and Busted)
Oil Boom & Bust: Paul W. MacAvoy, “The Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978,” Natural Resources Journal, Fall 1979; The Greatest Gamblers: The Epic of American Oil Exploration; Jeff Gerth, “Penn Square’s Insider Dealing,” New York Times, Aug. 14, 1982; Glen Bayless, “Mitchell to Leave First National for Citizens,” The Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 12, 1982; Mary Jo Nelson and Judy Fossett, “Bankrupt Oilman Owes $317 Million,” The Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 25, 1983; “Real Consumer Protection,” The Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 25, 1983; Joan Biskupic, “Duncan Rallying Behind Oil Refinery,” The Daily Oklahoman, June 5, 1983; “In Oklahoma, a Banker Is Ready for Expansion” New York Times, July 11, 1983; Bob Vandewater, “Bankrupt Oilman J. D. Allen Says He’s Down But Not Out,” Daily Oklahoman, June 10, 1984; Tom Kensler, “OCU Drops Affiliation with NCAA, MCC,” Daily Oklahoman, April 4, 1985; Phillip Zweig, Belly Up; Mark Singer, Funny Money; “Former State Official Dies,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 22, 1986; Thomas C. Hayes, “Ailing Bank Jolts Oklahoma,” New York Times, April 29, 1986; Kevin Laval, “First National Bank Fails,” Daily Oklahoman, July 15, 1986; Bob Vandewater, Judge Approves Settlement in J. D. Allen Lawsuit, Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 16, 1986; “Civic Giant C. A. Vose Dead at 86,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 11, 1986; Kim Carter, “Former Banker Dale E. Mitchell Files for Chapter 11 Protection,” Journal Record, Jan. 2, 1987; Mary Jo Nelson, “One-Time OU Benefactor Resigns From Saxon Oil,” Daily Oklahoman, March 4, 1987; Jon Denton, “Skirvin Plaza Closes Doors to Remodel,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 8, 1988; Dianna Everett, “National Finals Rodeo,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Chris Brawley Morgan, “Disco club drew millionaires then, memories now,” The Oklahoman, July 2, 2006; Mary Hargrove, “Prosecution Debated Decade Later,” Tulsa World, July 10, 1992; Mary Hargrove, “Unjust tragedy? Penn Square chief dissects bank closing,” Daily Oklahoman, July 10, 1992; Gypsy Hogan, “Key Figure in Penn Square Collapse Keeps Long Silence,” Daily Oklahoman, July 12, 1992; Nancy Raiden Titus, “Trial on Bank Violations Starts for Dale E. Mitchell,” The Journal Record, Dec. 8, 1992; Ed Godfey, “Jury Finds Ex-Banker Guilty on 5 Counts,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 15, 1992; Ed Godfrey, “Ex-Banker Gets Parole for Fraud Restitution Payment Ordered,” Daily Oklahoman, April 15, 1993; Thomas L. Hedglen, “Hefner, Robert Alexander III,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Tom Brown, Commerce Bancorp: Why Tim Long is Wrong, Seeking Alpha, Jul. 25, 2007; Nicole Gelinas, “It’s time to end ‘Too big to fail,’” New York Post, Aug. 16, 2009; Bill Black, “President Obama Has Left The Spineless In Charge of regulation,” Business Insider, Sept. 20, 2010; Ed Moran, “A Personal Recollection of the Penn Square Bank Failure, 1982-1985,” Chase Alumni Association; Gregory Zuckerman, The Frackers; Tom Lindley, Out of the Dust: Gene Rainbolt, a Life for Oklahoma; B. A. Wells, K. L. Wells, “Anadarko Basin in Depth,” American Oil & Gas Historical Society, July 24, 2014; Ed O’Leary, “Has Penn Square sunk in?”, The Banking Exchange, Sept. 26, 2014; Michael Hightower, Loyal to Oklahoma: The Bancfirst Story; Carl Swan obituary, The Oklahoman, May 31, 2015; Jon Talton, “Remember Seafirst? It’s more than a local tale,” Seattle Times, Aug. 15, 2015; Oklahoma City, The Boom, The Bust, and The Bomb, directed by Mick Cornett; Ruth Sheldon Knowles, author interview, 2018; H. E. (Gene) Rainbolt, 2018, author interview; Richard Anderson, author interviews, 2018; Mo Anderson, author interview, 2018; Brent Gibson, author interview, 2018; Mick Cornett, The Next American City; David Rainbolt, author interviews, 2018, 2019; Lee Symcox, 2018, 2019 author interviews; Jay Jimerson, author interviews, 2019, 2020; “Mo Anderson,” Keller Williams Realty corporate website; Heide Brandes, “At 90, Gene Rainbolt still causing change in Oklahoma,” NonDoc, Mar. 19, 2019.
T. Boone vs. Phillips: Christopher J. Castaneda, “Phillips Petroleum,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; T. Boone Pickens, Jr., T. Boone Pickens, “When T. Boone Pickens Told Big Oil To 'Take This Job And Shove It,” Forbes, September 2012; Mary Jo Nelson, “Might It Be Legitimate Concern of Government?' Rep. Edwards: Will Congress Tackle Hostile Takeovers?, Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 16, 1984; Bobby D. Weaver, “Cities Serivce,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Associated Press, “House Panel to Use Phillips Battle As Case Study In Probe,” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 19, 1985; B. A. Wells, K. L. Wells, “Cities Service Company,” American Oil & Gas Historical Society, April 29, 2013; Keli Flynn, “Mesa Petroleum Corporation,” Handbook of Texas Online; T. Boone Pickens, “Writing Out Loud,” interview with Teresa Miller, Oklahoma Writers: a Literary Tableau; Kristian Dyer, “T. Boone Pickens transformed Oklahoma State football with a still record donation,” Fox Business News, Sept. 11, 2019; James Caster, author interview, 2020; Rob Berry, author interview, 2021.
County Commissioners Scandal: “Kickbacks Are Investigated In Oklahoma and Texas,” New York Times, June 7, 1981; Douglas B. Feaver, “Oklahoma Scandal,” Washington Post, Oct. 22, 1981; Paul Wenske, “Ex-Commissioner ‘Sorry’ After Guilty Plea,” The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 6, 1981; James R. Scales, Danney Goble, Oklahoma Politics: A History; Charles T. Jones, “Ex-Commissioner Gets 20-Year Sentence,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 16, 1982; Judy Fossett, “Wagoner Official Indicted,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 12, 1984; Wayne Singleterry, “Toll 230 as book closes on county commissioner scandal,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 3, 1984; Wayne Singleterry, “Bill Price: Prosecutor in Long Battle Against Corruption, Drugs,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 29, 1988; Martin Hauan, Just Plain Stealin’; Harry Holloway, Bad Times for Good Ol Boys; “Garland Bloodworth,” obituary, Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 14, 2000; Tim Hoover, Stephen Holman, John Clanton, “Focus: Nothin’ but Blue Skies,” Tulsa World, Aug. 7, 2000; Danney Goble, “Government and Politics,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Man who helped uncover scandal dies,” Associated Press, Feb. 1, 2008; Zane Thomas, “Commissioner who helped with OKSCAM investigation dies,” Tulsa World, Feb. 4, 2008; J. L. Byas, author interview, 2012; Jason Murphey, author interview, 2019; Jason Murphey, “Murphey: A Not-So-Hypothetical Look at County Commissioners,” The McCarville Report, Mar. 26, 2019; Jason Murphey, “Murphey: A Need for County Government Checks and Balances,” The McCarville Report, Apr. 2, 2019; Allen Dye, author interview, 2019; Debbie Dixon, author interview, 2019; Frank Keating, author interview, 2019; Kaye Jay, author interview, 2019.
College sports problems: “Oklahoma Given 3-Year Probation: NCAA Holds School Accountable for Football Violations,” Associated Press, Dec. 20, 1988; Ben Fenwick, “OU Football Player Charged in Shooting,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 14, 1989; Volney Meece, Ben Fenwick, “OU Investigating Alleged Attack at Athletic Dorm,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 27, 1989; Ben Fenwick, “Court Documents Detail Alleged Attack in OU Dorm,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 1, 1989; Ben Fenwick, “3 OU Football Players Charged With Rape,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 11, 1989; “Quarterback at OU Arrested on Drug Counts,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 20, 1989; Ed Godfrey, “’49 OU Squad Cancels Reunion, Calls for Change,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 21, 1989; Tom Kensler, “OU Alumni Tired of Bad News,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 21, 1989; John Rohde, “OU’s Past Is Calling for Change,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 21, 1989; Rick Telander, “You Reap What You Sow,” Sports Illustrated, Feb. 27, 1989; John Parker, “Two Ex-players Found Guilty in OU Rape,” Nov. 17, 1989; Barry Switzer, Bootlegger’s Boy; John Parker, “Jury Finds Bell Not Guilty in OU Rape,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 18, 1990; Tom Jones, “Former OU Coach Hill Draws 15-Month Term,” Daily Oklahoman, June 9, 1990; Ex-OU Coach Hill Parting Clouds of Sun-Filled Life,” Associated Press, Feb. 13, 1991; Mac Bentley, “Seay Is Suspended by OSU's Garner,” Daily Oklahoman, May 18, 1991; Rhett Morgan, “No place to hide – OSU's embattled Seay a marked man,” Tulsa World, Jan 13, 1992; Wayne Greene, “Ex-OU Football Player Admits Role in Gang Rape,” Tulsa World, Jan. 22, 1993; Bill Haisten, “Nigel Clay’s Life After Prison,” Tulsa World, Jan. 22, 1993; John Hoover, “End of Switzer era: 20 years later,” Tulsa World, June 14, 2009; Kyle Dierking, “How the Mighty Fall: Barry Switzer,” NewsOn6.com, June 17, 2009;
U.S. Olympic Festival: Jenni Carlson, “Main event: 1989 Olympic Festival a turning point for Oklahoma City,” The Oklahoman, July 20, 2009; Jenni Carlson, “Main event: 1989 Olympic Festival used wide range of venues around Oklahoma City,” The Oklahoman, July 20, 2009; Mick Cornett, director, Oklahoma City, The Boom, The Bust, and The Bomb.
Atwoods - Brian Atwood, author interview, 2020; Gary Atwood, author interview, 2020;
Robert Medley, “Atwoods Ranch and Home Store opens in Yukon,” Okarche Warrior, May 6, 2021.
Edmond Post Office Massacre: Ellie Sutter, Jim Killackey, “Massacre State’s Worst,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 21, 1986; Dianna Everett, “Edmond Post Office Massacre,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Post Office Massacre: Ellie Sutter, Jim Killackey, “Massacre State’s Worst,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 21, 1986; Dianna Everett, “Edmond Post Office Massacre,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Edmond Post Office Massacre: Ellie Sutter, Jim Killackey, “Massacre State’s Worst,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 21, 1986; Dianna Everett, “Edmond Post Office Massacre,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Chapter 14 (1980s—God’s Country)
Stanley Rother: “Sainthood proposed for slain priest,” Chicago Tribune, Sept. 28, 2007; Mason Beecroft, “Making the Case for Martyrdom,” This Land, Vol. 5, Issue 22, Dec. 1, 2014; Tom Gallagher, “Vatican panel calls Fr. Stanley Rother a martyr,” National Catholic Reporter, July 13, 2015; Maria Ruiz Scaperlanda, The Shepherd Who Didn’t Run; Eliana Tedrow, “Bl. Stanley Rother: From beatification to canonization,” Sooner Catholic, Sept. 13, 2018; Frank Keating, author interview, 2019.
Leona Mitchell: Charlotte Aiken, “Oklahoma Hall of Fame Inducts 5,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 18, 1990; Kitty Pittman, “Mitchell, Leona Pearl,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Leona Mitchell remembers late husband, Elmer Bush,” Enid News & Eagle, Sept. 10, 2014; Gwendolyn Hooks, Leona Mitchell: Opera Star.
Equal Rights Amendment: Ira Perry, “Courts Sideline Helm, But She’s Not Out of the Game,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 16, 1979; Judy Fossett, “Opponent of Equal Rights Amendment Aiming Campaign at ‘Grass Roots,’” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 15, 1982; Dorothy Conaghan, Women of the State Legislature, OSU Digital Collections, Oklahoma State Library; Edward L. Ayers, Lewis L. Gould, David M. Oshinsky, Jean R. Soderlund, American Passages; Larry Schweikart, Michael Allen, A Patriot’s History of the United States; Debbie Jackson, Hilary Pittman, “Throwback Tulsa: Battle over ERA was highly emotional in Oklahoma, Tulsa World, Mar. 9, 2017; Ginnie Graham, “ERA not dead yet; amendment getting another chance,” Tulsa World, June 11, 2018; “Tulsa World editorial: Time for the Oklahoma Legislature to approve the ERA,” Tulsa World, Mar. 30, 2019; Clark Curry, author interview, 2019; Kay Hill, author interview, 2019; Stephen Dinan, “Federal court rejects attempt to revive Equal Rights Amendment,” Washington Times, 2021.
Bill & Vonette Bright: William “Bill” and Vonette Bright, interview, “Into the Big Tent: Billy Graham and the 1949 Los Angeles Campaign,” 2000; Ted Olsen, “Campus Crusade for Christ Founder Bill Bright Dies at 81,” Christianity Today, July 1, 2003; Laurie Goodstein, “Campus Crusade for Christ Is Renamed,” New York Times, July 20, 2011; David Robinson, Gabor Grecz, The Outrageous Promise. David Robinson, author interview, 2019; “Bill Bright Memorial,” Cru.
National Finals Rodeo: Dianna Everett, “National Finals Rodeo,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Ronald Reagan: Ronald Reagan: A Biography; Ronald Reagan, Presidential Acceptance Speech, 1980 Republican National Convention; Clarence Carson, A Basic History of the United States, Vol. 5, The Welfare State; John J. Dwyer, “Remembering Reagan”; Randy Krehbiel, “Democrat or Republican, Oklahoma has always been conservative,” Tulsa World, July 4, 2016; Jon Meacham, “Ronald Reagan’s Hopeful Farewell Address,” New York Times, Jan. 10, 2019; Peggy Grande, author interview, 2019.
The Cold War: “Soviet Toys of Death,” New York Times,, Dec. 10, 1985; Paul Craig Roberts, The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
Jeane Kirkpatrick: Jeane Kirkpatrick, Dictatorships and Double Standards; Jeane Kirkpatrick, “Blame America First,” Republican National Convention Speech, 1984; Jeane Kirkpatrick, “A Normal Country in a Normal Time,” The National Interest, Fall 1990; Madeleine Brand, “A Look at Jeane Kirkpatrick’s Political Legacy,” National Public Radio, Dec. 8, 2006; Tim Weiner, “Jeane Kirkpatrick, Reagan’s Forceful Envoy, Dies,” New York Times, Dec. 9, 2006; David Corn, “Neocon Godmother Considered Iraq War a Mistake,” The Nation, April 10, 2007; Patrick J. Buchanan, “The Good NeoCon,” The American Conservative, May 7, 2007; Allen Gerson, “On Publication Jeane J. Kirkpatrick’s ‘Making War to Keep Peace,’” American Enterprise Institute, April 26, 2007; “Jeane Kirkpatrick,” New World Encyclopedia; Connie G. Armstrong, “Kirkpatrick, Jeane Jordan,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Steve Byas, author interview, 2019; Stephen Dinan, “Virginia ratifies Equal Rights Amendment; vote is start of long legal battle,” Washington Times, Jan. 27, 2020; James Caster, author interview, 2020.
Lennie Marie-Tolliver: Jessie Carney Smith, Black First: 4,000 Ground-Breaking and Pioneering Historical Events; Charles T. Jones, “High Reagan Aide Back in State to ‘Spend a Little Time at Home,’” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 20, 1982; “Prevention of Health Problems in Elderly Addressed,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 24, 1991; Stacy D. Johnson, “Center Offers Vital Service,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 26, 1998; Julie Bisbee, “Budgeting woes plagued Lennie Marie Tolliver center,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 1, 2009.
William J. Crowe: “William J. Crowe, 1981,” Oklahoma Hall of Fame; “William Crowe,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma Historical Society; “Admiral William J. Crowe Jr.,” The Oklahoma State Senate Historical Preservation Fund, Inc.
Bart Conner & Nadia Comaneci: Bart Conner, Voices of Oklahoma Interview: Kay Straughn, “Conner, Bart,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Jane Kroeker: Jane Kroeker, author interviews, 2019, 2021.
Dixie Mafia: Ray Robinson, “DA Drops Case Against Bowen,”Daily Oklahoman, July 31, 1987; Ron Owens, Oklahoma Justice: The Oklahoma City Police, a Century of Gunfighters, Gangsters, and Terrorists; Edward Humes, Mississippi Mud; Anita Lee, “An ‘ice cold’ murder conspiracy ended Margaret and Vincent Sherry’s lives 30 years ago,” Biloxi Sun Herald, Sept. 14, 2017; Wes Lane, author interview, 2019.
Chapter 15 (1990s—New Heroes Arise)
David Walters: “Governor Secretly Indicted,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 21, 1993; “Walters Pleads Guilty,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct 22, 1993; John Greiner, Mick Hinton, Paul English, “Plea Bargain Shows Disdain for Law, GOP Leader Says,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 22, 1993; Rob Martindale, “Walters Joins Infamous Group Of State's Indicted Politicians,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct 22, 1993; John Greiner, “Keating Touts Plan for Ethics Reform,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 22, 1993; Sam Howe Verhovek, “Governor's Plea Ignites Criticism By Oklahomans,” New York Times, Oct. 29, 1993; John Greiner, “Walters Seeks $66.1 Million for Education,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 28, 1994; Bob Burke, “Walters, David Lee,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Chris Casteel, “Walters, Boettcher in Runoff,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 28, 2002; Chris Casteel, “Walters gets slot in U.S. Senate race,” Sept. 18, 2002; Mick Hinton, Nolan Clay, “GOP Takes Senate Control,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 6, 2002; Nolan Clay, “Revealed after 26 years, judge was source of scoop for the ages,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 28, 2019.
“HB-1017: “Delayed Realignment,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 5, 1994; Larkin Warner, “Hoping Against HOPE,” Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Nov. 6, 2008; Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Bellmon, Henry Louis,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Logan Layden, “Losing Little Dixie: How Decades Of Democratic Dominance Came To An End In Southeast Oklahoma,” KGOU Radio, June 29, 2015; Ben Felder, “A generation after ed reform, state is facing familiar issues,” The Oklahoman, Mar. 27, 2016; Editorial, “Lessons of Education Reform Bill Worth Noting,” The Oklahoman, Mar. 27, 2016.
Henry Bellmon: Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Bellmon, Henry Louis,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Henry Bellmon, Pat Bellmon, The Life and Times of Henry Bellmon.
Zora Brown: Megan McDonough, “Zora Brown dies at 63: advocate for breast-cancer awareness,” Washington Post, Mar. 9, 2013; Anita Arnold, Oklahoma City’s African American Education; Anita Arnold, author interview, 2019.
David Robinson, Campus Crusade, and Eastern Europe: David Robinson, Gabor Grecz, The Outrageous Promise; Bob Linn, author interview, 2019; David Robinson, author interviews, 2019, 2020, 2021.
Cold War: James Michener, The Bridge at Andau, 1957; John F. Kennedy, Speech at the Berlin Wall, June 26, 1963; “Reds Try to Block Kennedy’s View Over Berlin Wall,” Associated Press, June 27, 1963; Associated Press, “Tear Down Wall, President Urges,” Daily Oklahoman, June 13, 1987; Ronald Reagan, “Address at the Brandenburg Gate,” Berlin, West Germany, June 12, 1987; Associated Press, “Gorbachev Quits, Signs Over Arms,” Dec. 26, 1991; Alan Cooperman, “Soviet Ready: ‘It’s That Time,’” Associated Press, Dec. 26, 1991; Hungary’s Constitution of 2011; John Walters, “Communism Killed 94M in 20th Century, Feels Need to Kill Again,” Reason, March 13, 2013; Kendrick Storm, “What Is the Largest Missions Organization?”, About Missions Blog, Aug. 21, 2015; Marian L. Tupy, “100 Years of Communism: Death and Deprivation , Oct. 28, 2017; David Satter, “100 Years of Communism – and 100 Million Dead,” Wall Street Journal, Nov. 6, 2017; James Bovard, “Don't celebrate Karl Marx. His Communism has a death count in the millions,” USA Today, May 5, 2018; Fr. Benedict Kiely, “In Orban’s Hungary, Christ Is King,” Crisis, Sept. 26, 2019; Shaun Walker, “Orbán deploys Christianity with a twist to tighten grip in Hungary,” The Guardian, July 14, 2019; “Hungary Intervention,” 2019 Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom,” U.S. Department of State, July 26, 2019; “’Democracies Can No Longer Give Sense to Europe,’” MTI-Hungary Today, Sept. 16, 2019; Gabor Grecz, “Celebrating the Life of a Person of Peace,” Gabor’s Website, Nov. 6, 2019; Gary Bauer, “The Fall and Our Future,” The Patriot Post, Nov. 9, 2019; Faith McDonnell, “Five Things I Learned about Hungary’s Commitment to Fighting Christian Persecution Worldwide,” Providence, Dec. 10, 2019; Martina Moyski, Hungary Poised to Build Up Christian Europe, ChurchMilitant.com, Dec. 16, 2019; David Robinson, author interviews, 2020; Martina Moyski, Hungarian PM Sees Sky Through Europe’s Gloom, ChurchMilitant.com, Feb. 19, 2020.
Corporation Commission Scandal: “Cash Gifts ‘News’ to Commissioners,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 22, 1967; Ray Parr, “Senate Investigators Ask Reorganization of State Corporation Commission,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 20, 1967; “Application of Mistletoe Express, Inc. for Intrastate Authority to Operate as An Irregular Route, Motor Carrier, Common Carrier for the Transportation of General Commodities (Except Class A and B Explosives) Moving and Express Service,” Oklahoma Corporation Commission, May 15, 1970; Bill Price, interviewed by Camden Roberts, 2021; “Application of Mistletoe Express Service, 118 N. Harrison, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for Authority to Operate Irregular Route, Freight, Intrastate, Common Carrier, Motor Carrier Service,” Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jan. 21, 1978; “In the Matter of the Application of Mistletoe Express Service, a Motor Common Carrier, the Increase in Rates and Charges,“ Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Mar. 26, 1982; Helen Ford Sanger, “Friends Gather at Marriott to Roast John R. Parsons,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 26, 1986; “In the Matter of the Application of Howard W. Motley, for an Inquiry Into the Effect of the 1986 Tax Reform Act on Oklahoma Utilities,” Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Nov. 10, 1986, et al; Bob Vandewater, “Hopkins Follows Own Agenda,” Daily Oklahoman, Aug. 2, 1987; Bob Vandewater, “Commission Seat Goes to Anthony,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 9, 1988; Bob Vandewater, “Townsend Loses Seat,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 7, 1990; 302 Report No. 194A-463, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Sept. 1991; 302 Report No. 194A-463, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oct. 1991; “Commissioner Watts Faces Financial Problems,” Black Chronicle, Feb. 20, 1992; Bob Vandewater, “Anthony Tells of FBI Query, Cash Deals,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 3, 1992; Ed Godfrey, Bob Vandewater, “Ex-Regulator, Two Others Face Bell Indictments,” Daily Oklahoman, June 18, 1993; Ed Godfrey, Bob Vandewater, “Bribery Indictment Political, Ex-Bell Attorney Charges,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 25, 1993; Ed Godfrey, “Broken Bow Businessman Faces Bribery Trial,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 20, 1993; Michael Tackett, William Gaines, “Tapes Open Up Closed-Door Deals,” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 25, 1993; Ed Godfrey, “U.S. Prosecutors Detail Allegations Focusing on Ex-Bell Attorney,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 29, 1994; Ann Devroy, “Clinton Names Panetta Chief of Staff,” Washington Post, June 28, 1994; Associated Press, Ex-Corporation Commissioner Indicted, Tulsa World, July 9, 1994; John Parker, Tape Details Alleged Roles in Bribery,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 22, 1994; John Parker, Mick Hinton, Contribution to J. C. Watts Not Recorded,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 29 1994; John Parker, “Ex-Regulator, Lawyer Guilty In Bribe Case,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 1, 1994; United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Robert (Bob) H. Hopkins, Defendant-appellant, 77 F.3d 493 (10th Cir. 1996), US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit - 77 F.3d 493 (10th Cir. 1996), Feb. 14, 1996; “Hopkins’ Appeal Bid Rejected,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 15, 1996; “Robert E. ‘Bob’ Hopkins,” Obituary, Oklahoma Constitution, May 20, 1997; Associated Press, “Follow the Money,” Frontline, Public Broadcasting Service, Sept. 12, 1997; “Ron Brown’s Son On Probation for Illegal Donation, Los Angeles Times, Nov. 23, 1997; Ron Miller, Interview, “The Fixers,” Frontline, Public Broadcasting System; Steve Byas, et al, “The Strange Death of Ron Miller,” Oklahoma Constitution, Spring 1998; Frances L. HOPKINS, personal representative of the estate of Robert E. “Bob” Hopkins, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. OKLAHOMA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM, sued as State of Oklahoma, ex rel…No. 96-6302, June 30, 1998; Tally D. Fugate, “Anthony Stores,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Steve Byas, et al, “Anthrax Death in Oklahoma?” Oklahoma Constitution, Fall 1999; Steve Byas, et al, “Natural Gas Price Hearings Oklahoma Natural Gas Overcharges Tied to Clinton White House,” Oklahoma Constitution, Spring 2001; “Ex-FBI man seeks Whitewater papers,” Washington Times, May 23, 2001; “Inquiry Into the Effects of the 1986 Tax Reform Act on Oklahoma Utilities, Continuation of Anthony Dissenting Opinion to Order No. 413667,” Oklahoma Corporation Commission, June 3, 2003; Bob Anthony, Interview, “The Fixers,” Frontline, Public Broadcasting System; Steve Byas, “Natural Gas Price Hearings Oklahoma Natural Gas Overcharges Tied to Clinton White House, The Oklahoma Constitution, 2004; Jack Cashill, “Ron Brown’s Body”; Leland J. Gourley, “It’s time somebody said a good word for Bob Anthony,” OKC Friday, Dec. 30, 1994; Bob Vandewater, “Graves Urges Settlement of Bell Case,” Oklahoma Constitution, Jan. 17, 1995; Steve Byas, “A Tribute to Dr. Stephen Dresch,” Oklahoma Constitution, Fall 2006; Steve Byas, author interviews, 2006, 2017, 2019; Bill Humes to Rob Hudson, Memorandum, E. Scott Pruitt, Attorney General of Oklahoma, Mar. 21, 2011; Rob Hudson to Andrew Tevington, letter, E. Scott Pruitt, Attorney General of Oklahoma, Mar. 22, 2011; Tim Farley, Southwestern Bell corruption case comes full circle, Red Dirt Report, July 24, 2014; Jerry Bohnen, “AT&T Showered AG with Contributions after He Sided with Firm in Old Rate Case Fight,” OK Energy Today, Oct. 22, 2015; Alex Cameron, “OK Attorney General Pruitt Received Campaign Money From AT&T Execs,” KWTV News9, Oct. 23, 2015; Josh McBee, “Scott Pruitt and the ‘best interests’ of Oklahomans,” NonDoc, Oct. 29, 2015; Brian Hardzinski, “Corporation Corporation Commission Holds Off On Reopening $16 Billion Oklahoma Utility Rate Case, KGOU Radio, Nov. 4, 2015; Emily Heil, “Jailed former city councilman Michael Brown’s Chevy Chase home sold at foreclosure,” Washington Post, Mar. 23, 2016; Jay Barth, “Hillary in Arkansas,” Arkansas Times, Nov. 3, 2016; Jack Cashill, Leo Helmar interview, 2017; Ray Hibbard, “Bob Anthony should resign,” Edmond Life and Leisure, May 18, 2017. Jerry Bohnen, “Bribed Rate Case Headed to U.S. Supreme Court,” OK Energy Today, Jan. 7, 2018; Philip Dampier, “AT&T Bribed Okla. Regulator to Keep Excess Revenue, but State Still Won’t Seek $16 Billion in Refunds,” stopthecap.com, Mar. 21, 2018; Steve Elder, Hiroko Tabuchi, “Scott Pruitt Before the E.P.A.: Fancy Homes, a Shell Company and Friends With Money,” New York Times, Apr. 21, 2018; “Oklahomans Against Bribery fight on,” OKC Friday, June 1, 2018; Jackie Charniga, “For dealers, Washington’s shadow looms,” Automotive News, Jan. 25, 2019; Bob Anthony, author interviews, 2019; An Oklahoma banker, author interview, 2019.
Mike McCarville: Chip Minty, “Lawmakers urged to focus inquiry on late lawyer,” Daily Oklahoman, July 30, 2002; “The Passing of Mike McCarville,” Oklahoma Constitution, Jan. 31, 2019.
J. C. Watts: Barry Switzer, Bootlegger’s Boy; Dianna Everett, “Watts, Julius Caesar, Jr.,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Nolan Clay, “Feed the Children Settles Lawsuit,” The Oklahoman, July 24, 2019; Summer Brokaw, “Former lawmaker, cable veteran launch 24-hour Black News Channel,” United Press International, Feb. 10, 2020.
Allen Houser: David C. Hunt, “Houser (Haozous), Allan,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2018.
Indian Self-Determination: Donald Fixico, “American Indians,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Linda D. Wilson, “Mankiller, Wilma Pearl,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Gary Batton, author interview, 2017; Bob Blackburn, Duane King, Neil Morton, Cherokee Nation: A History of Survival, Self-Determination, & Identity; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2019; “Throwback Tulsa: Cherokee Nation’s first female principal chief Wilma Maniller sworn in 35 years ago,” Tulsa World, Dec. 5, 2020.
Wilma Mankiller: Jay J. Wagoner, Oklahoma!; Linda D. Wilson, “Mankiller, Wilma Pearl,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Oklahoma Writers,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Johnny P. Flynn, “Wilma Mankiller: On the Passing of a Legendary Leader,” Religion Dispatches, Apr. 9, 2010; Bob Blackburn, Duane King, Neil Morton, Cherokee Nation: A History of Survival, Self-Determination, & Identity; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2019.
Doc Tate Nevaquaya: Ann DeFrange, “Indian Artisan Captures Culture in Flutes,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 8, 1995.
Paul Harvey: Paul Harvey, The Rest of the Story, various broadcasts; Liam Otten, “Lynne ‘Angel’ Cooper Harvey dies at 92,” The Source, Washington University, May 6, 2008; Leah Pratt, “Harvey, Paul,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Ditch Witch: Bob Blackburn, “A Foundation for the Future – Ed Malzahn,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 30, 1999; Ed Malzahn, author interviews, 2007, 2010; “Ed Malzahn, Ditch Witch Founder and Industry Icon, Dies at 94,” Trenchless Technology, Dec. 10, 2015; Carolyn G. Hanneman, “Ditch Witch,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “#222 Ditch Witch® DWP Service-Line Trencher, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Lew Ward: Odie Faulk, William Welge, Oklahoma: A Rich History; Robbin Davis, “Reception Honors Lew Ward Family,” Oklahoma Historical Society; “Lew O. Ward,” Oklahoma Hall of Fame; Justin Juozapavicius, “Lew Ward, Oklahoma oilman and entrepreneur, dies at 85,” Associated Press, Mar. 21, 2016; “Lewellyn O. Ward,” Enid News and Eagle, Mar. 22, 2016; Bill Ward, author interview, 2019; Wade Burleson, author interview, 2019.
Moore Tornado: Randy Ellis, “Tornadoes Shred State,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; David Zizzo, “Roaring Monster Leaves Little,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; Nolan Clay, “Neighbors Put Moore Twister’s Devastating Force in Perspective,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; Bob Doucette, “Twister’s Damage Leaves Moore Without Power,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; Jim Killackey, “Two Moore Schools in Shambles,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; “’There’s Nothing. It’s Just Lumber.’” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; Griff Palmer, Amy David, “Storm Trackers Examining Deadly Paths,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; Jim Willis, “Killer Storm Spared Midwest City Crowd,” Daily Oklahoman, May 4, 1999; Larry O'Dell, “Moore,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Leo Kelley, "Tornadoes," Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Glen Cosper, author interviews, 2019.
Gulf War: Robert Medley, “Sculptor’s Art Emotional,” Daily Oklahoman, May 15, 1992; Matt Welch, “The Truth About Sanctions Against Iraq,” the Centre for Independent Studies, Feb. 18, 2002; John J. Dwyer, “How Can Iraq be a Just War?” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Apr. 30, 2003; John J. Dwyer, “What Will It Take?” LewRockwell.com, May 10, 2004; Ray Howze, “‘Highway of Death’ still stands out for one Gulf War veteran,” Leaf Chronicle, Feb. 26, 2016; Jon Basil Utley, “How the Gulf War Gave Us the Antiwar Right,” American Conservative, Dec. 21, 2018.
Largest Oklahoma Employers: Oklahoma’s Top Employers, Oklahoma Department of Commerce.
Chapter 16 (1990s—Oklahoma City)
OKC Renaissance: Mary Jo Nelson, “United to City: No Thanks,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 24, 1991; Ellie Sutter, “Some Think City Lucky to Lose,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 24, 1991; Stacy Martin, “Analysts Praise City’s Efforts, Teamwork,” Daily Oklahoman, Oct. 24, 1991; Bob Blackburn, “A Foundation for the Future – Ron Norick,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 30, 1999;
Larry O'Dell, “State Fair of Oklahoma,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Russell Perry: John Greiner, “Keating claims racism in confirmation impasse,” Daily Oklahoman, May 19, 2000; Russell Perry, author interview, 2007; “History-setting quarterbacks to speak,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 29, 2017; Frank Keating, author interviews, 2017, 2019.
OKC Bombing: Larry McMurtry, “A Return to Waco,” The New Republic, June 7, 1993; Darlene McCormick, “Sheriff says he did not curb probe: Social worker claims Harwell told her to back off inquiry on Branch Davidian children,” Waco Tribune-Herald, Oct. 10, 1993; “F. B. I. Agent Tells Jury About Tanks in Sect Raid,” New York Times, Feb. 10, 1994; John Parker, Nolan Clay, Robby Trammell, Randy Ellis, Diana Baldwin, John Greiner, “Army of Agents Seeks 2nd Suspect,” Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 23, 1995; “Secret Service agents’ funerals begin,” United Press International, Apr. 25, 1995; “Motive for Bombing May Lie With FBI Agent, Los Angeles Times, Apr. 26, 1995; Amy David, “California Fund Helps Survivor with Prosthetic,” Daily Oklahoman, July 14, 1995; “Interview Excerpts: Jack Harwell,” Frontline, Public Broadcasting Service, Aug. 3, 1995; Robin Jones, Where Was God at 9:02 A.M.?; Diana Baldwin, Randy Ellis, “Blast ‘Theories’ Irritate Bomb Expert,” Daily Oklahoman; Diana Baldwin, Randy Ellis, Diana Baldwin, Howard Pankratz, “Wild Claims in OKC,” Denver Post, Jan. 16, 1996; William F. Jasper, “More Pieces to the OKC Puzzle,” New American, June 24, 1996; Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton; Nolan Clay, “Lori Fortier Testifies McVeigh Told of Bomb,” Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 30, 1997; Diana Baldwin, “Key Ordered to Grand Jury,” Daily Oklahoman, May 6, 1997; Lois Romano, Tom Kenworthy, “Nichols Guilty of Conspiracy, Manslaughter,” Washington Post, Dec. 24, 1997; William F. Jasper, “Istook and the OKC Cover-up,” New American, Feb. 16, 1998; United States of America, Plaintiff, vs. Carol Elizabeth Howe, Aka “Freya,” Defendant, NO. 97-CR-05-BU, July 1997; Lee Hancock, “Two Pyrotechnic Devices Fired at Davidians, Ex-official Says,” Dallas Morning News, Aug. 24, 1999; Penny Owen, “Forewoman Wasn't Holdout—Two Other Nichols Jurors Forced Deadlock,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 11, 1998; Nolan Clay, “Agent Details Flight Taken With McVeigh,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 21, 1999; Ken Raymond, “Local FBI spokesman quietly retires – Murrah blast topped agent's 25-year career, Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 1, 2000; “Baylee’s Mother Expecting,” Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 16, 2000; Michael Overall, “Where Are They Now?” Tulsa World, Apr. 17, 2000; Patrick Cole, “Oklahoma City Can’t Shed Its Pain,” Chicago Tribune, Apr. 19, 2000; Stephen Jones, Others Unknown; Jon Dougherty, “Was FBI early arrival in Oklahoma City?” WorldNetDaily.com, Jan. 19, 2001; Jon Ronson, “Conspirators,” The Guardian, May 5, 2001; “Former Agents Hit FBI on McVeigh,” CBS News 60 Minutes, May 29, 2001; Andrew Murr, “I Thought I Was Going to Die,” Newsweek, June 17, 2001; Jim Crogan, “Heartland Conspiracy,” LA Weekly, Sept. 26, 2001; Final Report, Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation Committee, 2001; Micah Morrison, “The Iraq Connection,” Wall Street Journal, Sept. 5, 2002; Robert W. Welkos, “A grandmother’s quest for Truth,” Los Angeles Times, Nov. 24, 2002; John Solomon, “Feds Had Clues Before Okla. City Attack,” Associated Press, Feb. 10, 2003; John Solomon, “McVeigh link to bomb threats found after OKC,” Associated Press, Feb. 13, 2003; John Solomon, “Secret Service documents cite mystery video,” Associated Press, Apr. 20, 2004; Jayna Davis, The Third Terrorist; Jon Hersley, Larry Tongate, Bob Burke, Simple Truths; Why Did So Many People Hate Bill Clinton? An Exchange Among Conservatives, History News Network; Arnold Hamilton, “Oklahoma City Bombing Insider Starts New Life,” Dallas Morning News, Jan. 20, 2006; Steve Byas, author interviews, 2006, 2019; “Call to Reopen Oklahoma Bomb Case,” BBC News, Mar. 2, 2007; Rick Ojeda, author interview, 2009; Patrick B. Briley, The Oklahoma City Bombing Case: Revelations; Charles Key, author interviews, 2009, 2010, 2017, 2019; Janie Coverdell, author interviews, 2009, 2012; Jim Volz, author interview, 2010; “Samuel T. Cohen, Neutron Bomb Inventor, Dies at 89,” New York Times, Dec. 1, 2010; Wes Lane, Amazingly Graced; John Lester, author interviews, 2010, 2019; Don Bradford, author interview, 2011; Andrew Gumbel, Roger G. Charles, Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed and Why It Still Matters; Andrew Gumbel, “What the Oklahoma City Bombing Investigation MISSED, HuffPost, June 27, 2012; Lynne Rostochil, “The Rise and Inglorious Fall of the Downtown YMCA,” OKC Mod Squad, Mar. 28, 2014; Leo Hohmann, “Ex-FBI Agent Blasts Bureau for Botched OKC Evidence,” World Net Daily, July 31, 2014; “The Oklahoma City Bombing: 20 Years Later,” Famous Cases & Criminals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Apr. 16, 2015; Kate Carlton Greer, “Haunted by the abyss: Psychologists still see new PTSD cases related to bombing,” Journal-Record, Apr. 16, 2015; Sara Lentati, “A rescue in the rubble of Oklahoma City,” BBC World Service, Apr. 17, 2015; Resilience, film by OETA and The Oklahoman, 2015; Christine VanTimmeren, “Bombing survivor tells her story of recovery, renewal,” KOKH-TV, Apr. 18, 2016; Phil Cross, “Former rescue worker provides new twist to mystery remains,” KOKH-TV, May 5, 2016; Gil Troy, “Understanding ‘Clintipathy’: A Pathological Hatred of the Clintons,” Time, Oct. 30, 2016; Jasmine Taylor-Coleman, “The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton,” BBC News, Oct. 30, 2016; Paul Craig Roberts, “The Oklahoma City Bombing After 22 Years,” Apr. 19, 2017; “Police History: How Trooper Charlie Hanger Caught the Oklahoma City Bomber,” Las Vegas Police Protective Association, Apr. 20, 2017; Frank Keating, author interview, 2017; James Bovard, “Ruby Ridge lessons for fighting right-wing extremism,” USA Today, Aug. 28, 2017; “Ricks being honored with ‘salt and light’ award, Edmond Sun, Sept. 24, 2017; James Lane, director, A Noble Lie; Gabrielle Nagle, “Dr. Whitehurst and the FBI Lab Scandal,” Intelligence Community Whistleblowers, Nov. 21, 2017; Lee Hancock, “How the 1993 Waco standoff began with a bloody gunbattle that federal agents now regret,” Dallas Morning News, Feb. 25, 2018; Paul Gately, “Quiet observance marks 25th anniversary of Mt. Carmel shootout, KWTX-TV, Feb. 28, 2018; Steve Byas, “The Waco Tragedy: 25 Years Later,” New American, Mar. 30, 2018; Bobby Ross Jr., “Those events will be with me for the rest of my life,” Salt Lake Tribune, Apr. 16, 2018; “Bob Ricks, FBI’s main spokesman in Waco 25 years ago, looks back to 25 years ago,” Christian Century, Apr. 17, 2018; Rissa Shaw, “Sides of the Siege: Lessons learned 25 years after tragic standoff,” KWTX-TV, Apr. 20, 2018; Barbara Hoberock, “Oklahoma's emergency management director — the longest-tenured in the nation — is retiring,” Tulsa World, Aug. 11, 2018; Kathy Sanders, “700 Club Interactive,” Sept. 3, 2018; Tara Law, “Oklahoma City Bombing Accomplice's Son Arrested After Police Standoff in Las Vegas,” Time, Dec. 21, 2018; Francisca Jones, “Forgiving the Unforgivable,” Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Apr. 27, 2019; Dick Pryor, author interview, 2019; Rene Gutteridge, author interview, 2019; Jayna Davis, author interview, 2019; John Lester, author interview, 2019; Dan Woska, author interview, 2019; Sam Roberts, “Judge Richard Matsch, 88, Judge In Oklahoma Bombing, Is Dead,” New York Times, May 29, 2019; Robin Jones, author interview, 2019; Amy Downs Head, author interview, 2019; Dan Nelson, author interview, 2019; Cindy Ashwood, author interview, 2019; Lori Hansen Lane, author interview, 2019; Steve Mullins, author interview, 2019; Kirk Lyons, author interview, 2019; “Susan J. Ferrell Biography,” Susan J. Ferrell Moot Court Competition, St. Thomas University School of Law.
Frank Keating: David Zizzo, “Newest First Family Structured, Diverse,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 13, 1994; Diane Plumberg, “Cathy Keating wants family to be left alone,” Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 26, 2001; Diane Plumberg, “Keating gives back cash gift – Governor wants to end ethics doubt,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 10, 2001; Dianna Everett, “Keating, Francis Anthony II,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Bobby Ross Jr., “U.S. bishops ask Keating to lead board,” Daily Oklahoman, June 15, 2002; Daniel J. Wakin, “Refusing to Recant, Keating Resgins as Church Panel Chief,” New York Times, June 17, 2003; Frank Keating, public presentation recounting his leadership of lay Roman Catholics overseeing bishops’ handing of the church’s sex abuse scandal, Oklahoma City talk series, 2016; Frank Keating, author interviews, 2017, 2018, 2019; Michael R. Strain, “No More Bishops Investigating Bishops: Appoint Frank Keating to Do That,” National Review, Aug. 14, 2018.
Chapter 17 (2000s—Indian Country)
Social Issues: W. Bradford Wilcox, Nicholas Zill, “Red-State Families: Better Than We Knew,” Institute for Family Studies, June 11, 2015; Prison Policy Initiatve, “The State of Women’s Incarceration: The Global Context,” 2018; various U.S. government departmental statistics and reports.
Right-to-Work: Randy Krehbiel, “Foes not raising as much money,” Tulsa World, Aug. 14, 2001; Patrick B. McGuigan, “Trying to ‘follow the money,’” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 19, 2001; “Trust the Future: Vote Yes Today on SQ 695,” Daily Oklahoman, Sept. 25, 2001; Von Russell Creel, “Right to Work,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Economic Performance Suggests Right to Work is Working,” Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Oct. 4, 2011; Frank Keating, Brandon Dutcher, “Right-To-Work Laws Help States Like Oklahoma Shine,” Forbes, Oct. 8, 2013; Stan Greer, “Union Officials Desperate to Disprove ‘Right to Work’ Success,” CNS News, Mar. 17, 2015; Frank Keating, author interview, 2020.
Brad Henry: Frederick Hawley, “Cockfighting,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Dianna Everett, “Henry, Charles Bradford,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “Election Day Chicken Fight,” CNN, Oct. 30, 2002; “Henry upsets Steve Largent in Governor’s Race,” Associated Press, Nov. 5, 2002; John Greiner, “Henry leads; Largent won’t concede,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 6, 2002; John Greiner, “Independent candidate affected vote, observes say; Cockfighting proposal also linked to outcome,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 7, 2002; John M. Broder, “The 2002 Elections: Governors; Bright Spots, Amid Dim Ones, for Democrats,” New York Times, Nov. 7, 2002; “Leave it to Brad? Henry May Face Cockfighting Dilemma,” Daily Oklahoman, Mar. 30, 2003; “Julian J. Rothbaum (1913-2003),” Carl Albert Center, the University of Oklahoma; “How a Democrat Got Elected Governor in Oklahoma,” Daily Kos, July 6, 2005; Josh Goodman, “Crying Fowl,” Governing, Aug. 15, 2006; Julie Bisbee, “New abortion law faces battle,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 28, 2010; William Browning, “The Last Cockfighter Tells All,” SB Nation, Jan. 16, 2013; Randy Krehbiel, “Oklahoma has history of upsets in governor’s race,” Tulsa World, Oct. 6, 2014; Will Hutchison, “SWOK gamecock farmer working to legalize cockfighting,” KSWO-TV, July 25, 2018.
Gene Stipe: Martin Hauan, Just Plain Stealin’, 1993; Liz McMahon, “Ex-state rep pleads guilty to conspiracy,” Muskogee Phoenix, Apr. 13, 2007; Susan Hylton, “Stipe enters prison for evaluation,” Tulsa World, Sept. 11, 2007; Susan Hylton, “Stipe and brother indicted,” Tulsa World, Oct. 6, 2007; Tony Thornton, “Businessman Francis Stipe dies awaiting sentencing - Older brother Gene is expected to seek furlough for funeral,” The Oklahoman, July 15, 2008; James Beaty, “Angry judge lets it ride—no trial for Stipe yet,” McAlester News-Capital, Oct. 29, 2008; Jay F. Marks, “Jury acquits ex-legislator,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 25, 2009; “Gene Stipe,” Obituary, McAlester News-Capital, July 22, 2012; Tim Stanley, “Former Oklahoma state Senator Gene Stipe dies at 85,” Tulsa World, July 22, 2012; James Beaty, Enid News & Eagle, July 24, 2012; M. Scott Carter, “Fourth Reading: Remembering state Sen. Gene Stipe, Journal Record, July 26, 2012; David Blatt, Prosperity Policy: All about Gene,” Journal Record, July 23, 2014; Arnold Hamilton, “Ghost of Gene Stipe haunts GOP,” Journal Record, Feb. 5, 2015; Barbara Hoberock, “Former Rep. Mike Mass details fall from grace in new book, says he feels ‘resurrected,” Tulsa World, Aug. 14, 2016; James Caster, author interview, 2017; Tom Crowl, author interview, 2017; Frank Keating, author interviews, 2017, 2019.
Politics: Ronald Keith Gaddie, “Republican Party,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Mick Hinton, Bobby Ross, “GOP makes strides in Oklahoma House,” Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 8, 2000; Nolan Clay, Ken Raymond, Carmel Perez Snyder, “Republicans to take control of state House,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 3, 2004; John Greiner, “Republicans take two senate seats,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 3, 2004; Julie Bisbee, “State voters make tough choices,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 5, 2008; Michael McNutt, Diana Baldwin, “Historic victory for Fallin, GOP,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 3, 2010; various election reports, The Oklahoman, Nov. 3, 2010; Charlie Meadows, “Has The Oklahoman Ignited a War in the Republican Caucus?” okgrassroots.com, Nov. 25, 2010; “Charlie Meadows Steps Down at OCPAC,” The Oklahoma Constitution, 2015; Frank Keating, author interviews, 2017; Brad Henry, author interview, 2017; Doug Miller, author interview, 2019; Steve Byas, author interview, 2020.
Tom Colbert: John Greiner, Judy Gibbs Robinson, “Justice Sworn In,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 8, 2004; Michael McNutt, “Oklahoma’s first black chief justice stresses importance of role models,” The Oklahoman, Jan. 4, 2013.
Gambling/Gaming: Griff Palmer, “Bingo Operators’ Trade Borderline,” Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 12, 1987; Griff Palmer, “Bingo Gaming Draws Variety of Views,” Daily Oklahoman, Apr. 12, 1987; John Greiner, “Lottery Foes Launch Fight,” Daily Oklahoman, July 27, 1993; Chuck Ervin, “Casino Plan Goes Bust,” Tulsa World, Feb. 11, 1998; “Highlights of Legislation Passed During the First Regular Session of the 49th Oklahoma Legislature,” Speaker Larry E. Adair, Oklahoma House of Representatives, July 2003; Tony Choate, “Chickasaw official fires back at Oklahoma anti-Indian group,” Chickasaw Times, Jan. 2004; Ron Jenkins, “Agreement reached on Oklahoma racino bill,” Las Vegas Sun, Jan. 21, 2004; John Greiner, “State Senate passes gaming bill,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 19, 2004; Carmel Perez Snyder, “Country singer visits Capitol to support gaming bill,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 19, 2004; Tony Thornton, “Tribal leader dreads compact’s effect,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 19, 2004; John Greiner, “Horse groups support gaming bill,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 20, 2004; Ryan McNeill, “Lawmaker criticizes law, alleges harassment,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 24, 2004; Marie Price, “House Okays Gaming Bill,” Tulsa World, Feb. 27, 2004; Ryan McNeill, Carmel Perez Snyder, “Gaming bill passes, sent to governor,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 27, 2004; Brad Henry, “A responsibility to education,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 31, 2004; Oklahoma Tribal Gaming Compact, 2004; “Oklahoma Black History Heroes: Opio Toure,” Oklahoma Democratic Party, Feb. 13, 2008; “Gambling is Risky Business,” Oklahoma State Department of Education, 2008; Alex Cameron, “Remington Park Thrives Despite Owner’s Bankruptcy,” KWTV News9, Mar. 5, 2009; Associated Press, Remington Park Owner Bankrupt,” The Oklahoman, Mar. 6, 2009; Associated Press, Bankrupt Owners Want to Auction Remington Park,” The Oklahoman, Mar. 21, 2009; Murray Evans, “Cherokee Chief: Racing Done at Blue Ribbon Downs,” Associated Press, Mar. 2, 2010; Earl L. Grinols, “The Hidden Social Costs of Gambling,” Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University, 2011; “Osage Nation Casinos Recognized For Dealing With Gambling Problems,” KOTV Tulsa, Mar. 7, 2011; Sheryl Nance-Nash, “The High Price of America’s Gambling Addiction,” AOL.com, July 22, 2011; R. Albert Mohler, Jr., “Casino Culture and the Collapse of Character,” The Christian Post, Feb. 25, 2012; Curtis Killman, “Schools’ slices of lottery pie small, getting smaller,” Tulsa World, May 14, 2012; Andrew Spiropoulos, “Right Thinking: It’s time to cut our lottery losses,” Journal Record, Jan. 2, 2013; Bill Shapard, “Oklahoma Lottery, over time, becomes more favorable,” SoonerPoll, July 30, 2013; “Tulsa tribal casino timeline,” Tulsa World, Mar. 29, 2013; “Former Oklahoma State Rep. Forrest Claunch Dies,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 19, 2013; Alex Cameron, Craig Day, “Oklahoma's Education Lottery: Underperforming Or Undercut?” KOTV, Oct. 22, 2014; “A lottery won’t ever play a big role in education,” The Oklahoman, Oct. 30, 2014; Ali Meyer, “OKC’s poorest zip codes spend big bucks on lottery tickets,” KFOR-TV, Feb. 8, 2016; Abby Messick, “Top 10 US states by number of casinos per capita,” Casino Times, Mar. 4, 2017; Abbie Maynard, “Bryan County Sheriff’s Office adds chaplain to its team,” KXII-TV, Sept. 29, 2017; Randy Ellis, “Business is booming for Chickasaw Nation,” The Oklahoman, Dec. 7, 2017; Reece Ristau, “2017 law change means Oklahoma lottery should have twenty percent more for education this year,” Tulsa World, Mar. 5, 2018; Abbie Maynard, “Oklahoma senate passes bill to expand gambling laws,” KXII-TV, Mar. 16, 2018; Ali Meyer, “Why didn’t the lottery save education in Oklahoma?” KFOR-TV, Apr. 3, 2018; Jason Salsman, “MCN Casinos CEO talks craps, roulette legalization,” MVSKOKE Media, May 1, 2018; Clifton Adcock, “Moving the line: As casinos ready for new games, state officials eye a new deal with tribes,” The Frontier, July 30, 2018; Testimony of Les Bernal, National Director, Stop Predatory Gambling Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, & Investigations, “Post-PASPA: An Examination of Sports Betting in America,” September 27, 2018; “Gambling Disorder (Compulsive Gambling, Pathological Gambling),” Psychology Today, Feb. 7, 2019; “15 years later: Wasn’t the lottery supposed to fund education? Here’s what happened,” Tulsa World, Feb 28, 2019; Adam McCann, “Most Gambling-Addicted States,” WalletHub, Apr. 23, 2019; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2019; “Oklahoma State and Local Spending,” Oklahoma Policy Institute; Ray Carter, “Expert says gambling compacts need to better address addiction,” Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Aug. 7, 2019; Frank Keating, author interview, 2019; Bob Blackburn, author interviews, 2019; Sean Murphy, “Oklahoma governor tests power of tribal gambling,” Chicago Tribune, Oct. 16, 2019; Doug Miller, author interviews, 2019; Terri White, author interview, 2019; Wiley Harwell, author interview, 2019, “Problem Gambling Resources in Oklahoma,” National Council on Problem Gambling; Charlie Meadows, “Negotiating for Control of Oklahoma,” Oklahoma Constitution, Fall 2019; Jonathan Small, Curtis Shelton, “How Do Oklahoma’s Casino Fees Compare to Other States?” Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, Nov. 20, 2019; K. Querry, “Battle continues between tribal leaders, governor’s office over tribal gaming compat,” KFOR-TV, Nov. 14, 2019; Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma Tribal Gaming Compact speech, Nov. 2019; K. Querry, “Oklahoma organization issues support for renegotiation of tribal gaming compacts,” KFOR-TV, Nov. 20, 2019; Ben Felder, “Stitt bets big in taking on tribes on gaming compact,” Enid News & Eagle, Dec. 12, 2019; Jonathan Small, author interviews, 2019; Trent England, author interviews, 2019; Randy Ellis, “Governor asks tribes to sign extension,” The Oklahoman, Dec. 19, 2019; Randy Ellis, “Tribes reject Stitt’s extension bid,” The Oklahoman, Dec. 20, 2019; Randy Ellis, “Top 3 gaming tribes sue Stitt,” The Oklahoman, Jan. 1, 2020; Barbara Hoberock, “Gov. Stitt asks federal court to shut down Oklahoma tribes’ Class III casino gaming,” Tulsa World, Jan. 23, 2020; Kevin Stitt, “Negotiating a Win for All 4 Million Oklahomans,” Oklahoma Constitution, Winter 2020; “Meet the Governor,” Official Website of the State Governor of Oklahoma; Barbara Hoberock, “New group’s ad campaign says Oklahoma isn’t getting a ‘fair shake’ from tribal casino industry,” Tulsa World, Feb. 7, 2020; “Chickasaw citizen inducted into Edmond Public Schools’ Hall of Fame,” Red Lake Nation News, Nov. 19, 2020; “Excessive Drinking is Draining the U.S. Economy,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Indians: Gary D. Sandefur, Ronald R. Rindfuss, Barney Cohen, Editors, “Changing Numbers, Changing Needs: American Indian Demography and Public Health Committee on Population,” National Research Council, 1996; Neil McCaleb, Chickasaw Hall of Fame, 1999; Andrew Bentley, “Alcohol: It’s Different for Native Americans,” Partnership with Native Americans, July 30, 2013; John J. Dwyer, The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, 2016; Lisa J. Billy, author interviews, 2016, 2019; Gary Batton, author interview, 2017; Bob Blackburn, author interviews, 2019; United for Oklahoma, official website; Chris Casteel, “Court to hear Creek reservation case this week,” The Oklahoman, May 10, 2020.
Harvey Pratt: Phil Cross, “State Fair Murders: The 30-year-old mystery,” KOKH-TV, Sept. 18, 2017; “Harvey Phillip Pratt,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma History Center; “About Harvey Phillip Pratt,” harveypratt.com; Harvey Pratt, author interviews, 2018, 2020; Addison Kliewer, “Oklahoma artist designs first national memorial honoring Native veterans,” Sept. 22, 2019.
Lisa J. Billy: “Lisa Billy,” legislative.chickasaw.net; “Abortion in Oklahoma,” Planned Parenthood, plannedparenthood.org; Lisa J. Billy, author interviews, 2016, 2019.
Roger Countee: “City Native to Receive Special Award,” Daily Oklahoman, July 23, 1982; “Countee, W. Roger, M.D.,” Obituary, New York Times, Dec. 11, 2001; Roger W. Countee, Obituary, Washington Post, Dec. 24, 2001; Anita Arnold, Oklahoma City’s African American Education, 2018; Anita Arnold, author interviews, 2019, 2020.
Tulsa Time: Laurie Winslow, “Lybarger leaves BOK a full ledger,” Tulsa World, Dec. 15, 2013;
Kevin Canfield, “Kathy Taylor leaving Mayor’s Office,” Tulsa World, Feb. 2, 2018.
Lelia Foley-Davis: “Once On Welfare, Black Woman Now Mayor of Her Hometown In Taft, Okla.,” Jet, June 21, 1973; “Former Taft Mayor to be Honored,” Daily Oklahoman, Feb. 22, 1994; Larry O'Dell, “Foley-Davis, Lelia Kasensia Smith,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Larry O'Dell, “Taft,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Gillian Brockell, “The nation’s first elected black female mayor: ‘I believed in God, and I believed in myself,” Washington Post, Apr. 2, 2019.
“All-Black Towns: “Grant to help restore well-known bank in one of Oklahoma’s historically black towns,” Fox 25-TV, Mar. 21, 2019; “Coltrane Group honoring leaders of historically black towns,” Edmond Sun, Oct. 7, 2019.
Mary Fallin: Ed Godfrey, “Fallin, Guard Kissed, Investigator Testifies,” Daily Oklahoman, Dec. 24, 1998; Linda D. Wilson, “Fallin, Mary Newt Copeland,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; Barbara Hoberock, “After decades in politics, Gov. Mary Fallin says she is done,” Tulsa World, Nov. 18, 2018; Aaron Brilbeck, “Gov. Mary Fallin Looks Back On Years In Office,” KOTV, Dec. 10, 2018; Phil Cross, “Governor clarifies controversial comment and addresses talks to end teacher walkout,” KOKH-TV Fox 25, Apr. 4, 2018; various Oklahoma politicians, author interviews, 2019.
The Greens & Hobby Lobby: Justin Juozapavicius, “Oral Roberts University Receives $70 Million Pledge,” philanthrophynewsdigest.org, Nov. 30, 2007; David Green, author interviews, 2008, 2017; Brian Solomon, “Meet David Green: Hobby Lobby’s Biblical Billionaire,” Forbes, Sept 18, 2012; Associated Press, “Hobby Lobby Plan to Defy Obamacare to Cost $1.3 Million Per Day,” HuffPost, Dec. 27, 2012; Adam Withnall, “Hobby Lobby: Who is David Green? 9 facts telling you everything you need to know about the evangelical entrepreneur,” The Independent, July 1, 2014; Chris Casteel, “Hobby Lobby Wins High Court Battle,” The Oklahoman, July 1, 2014; “Hobby Lobby CEO Reaps the Benefits of Generosity,” Christian Business Network; Jonathan Sprowl, “Mart Green: On a Quest to Eliminate Bible Poverty,” The Outreach, Mar. 5, 2019; “The World’s Billionaires: David Green & Family,” Forbes, Sept. 23, 2019.
Oral Roberts: W. David Baird, Danny Goble, The Story of Oklahoma; Linda D. Wilson, “Oral Roberts University,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
John Hope Franklin: Hannah Atkins, “Franklin, John Hope,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture.
Teacher Strike: Ben Felder, “Teachers shut down schools, fill Capitol to demand funding,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 3, 2018; Justin Wingerter, “Some small school districts remain open,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 3, 2018; Ben Felder, “Teachers return to Capitol as walkout enters 2nd week,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 7, 2018; Ben Felder, “It’s Over,” The Oklahoman, Apr. 13, 2018; Ginger Tinney, author interviews, 2020, 2021; Mike Tinney, author interview, 2021.
Kevin Stitt: Chris Casteel, “Cornett, Stitt headed to runoff,” The Oklahoman, June 27, 2018; Ben Felder, “Stitt Wins State,” The Oklahoman, Nov. 7, 2018; Brian Hill, author interview, 2019; Evan Brown, author interview, 2019; Kevin Stitt, Enid Rotary Club speech, Oct. 28, 2019; Kevin Stitt, author interview, 2021.
Economic Diversification: Duane Dickson, Andrew Slaughter, Anshu Mittal, “Oil’s well?: Divergence and imbalance in the oil and gas ecosystem,” Deloitte, Apr. 23, 2019; Greg Depersio, “Why did oil prices drop so much in 2014?”, Investopedia, May 6, 2019; “Boom to Bust to Recovery: the Evolving U.S. Energy Landscape,” Feg Investment Advisors, Aug. 21, 2019; Frank Keating, author interview, 2020; Roy Williams, author interview, 2020.
Oklahoma City Thunder: Andrew Lynch, “Yes, the Thunder choked away the Western Conference finals,” Fox Sports, May 31, 2016; Sam Anderson, Boom Town, 2018; Dean Blevins, author interview, 2019; Berry Tramel, “It was a perfect end to a perfect night,” The Oklahoman, Jan. 10, 2020.
OU Football Game Bombing: Phil Cross, “FOX 25 Investigates: Declassified FBI records provide new insight into 2005 OU bombing, Fox 25 TV, July 13, 2016. Kyle Frederickson, “Where America Stands on Civil Rights Today: Bruce Fisher,” The Oklahoman, June 29, 2014.
Chapter 18 (2000s—Wind and War)
Rita Aragon: “LaRita A. ‘Rita’ Aragon,” Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame, Oklahoma History Center; Rita Aragon, Oklahoma Hall of Fame acceptance speech, 2016.
Iraq and Afghanistan: Patrick Cockburn, “Saddam ‘sent hit team to kill Bush in Kuwait,’” The Independent, May 9, 1993; “CIA Says Iraqi Plot to Kill Bush May be Fiction,” Chicago Tribune, May 27, 1993; Alan J. Kuperman, “Stinging Rebukes,” Foreign Affairs, Jan./Feb. 2002; Milton Beardon, “Stinging Rebukes Response,” Foreign Affairs, Jan./Feb. 2002; Kenneth Adelman, “Cakewalk In Iraq,” Washington Post, Feb. 13, 2002; John King, “Bush calls Saddam ‘the guy who tried to kill my dad,’” CNN, Sept. 27, 2002; Osama Bin Laden, “Letter to America,” The Guardian, Nov. 24, 2002; John J. Dwyer, “Would Iraq Be a Just War?”, lewrockwell.com, Mar. 18, 2003; Laura Cohn, “Tommy Franks Takes the Stage—Finally,” Bloomberg, Mar. 22, 2003; John J. Dwyer, “How Can Iraq be a Just War?,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Apr. 30, 2003; “Top UN official among dead in Baghdad blast, The Guardian, Aug. 19, 2003; “Marines fight for life in Iraqi lion’s den,” Agence France-Presse, Apr. 16, 2004; Katharine Q. Seelye, “The Campaign: Military Service: Cheney’s Five Draft Deferments During the Vietnam Era Emerge as a Campaign Issue,” New York Times, May 1, 2004; John J. Dwyer, “What Will It Take?”, lewrockwell.com; Nick Anderson, “Cheney’s Draft Deferments Not Outside the Norm,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 16, 2004; Jim Lobe, “So, Did Saddam Hussein Try to Kill Bush’s Dad?” Common Dreams, Oct. 19, 2004; Dick Cheney, interview, “Larry King Live,” CNN, June 20, 2005; “Halliburton’s Questioned and Unsupported Costs In Iraq Exceed $1.4 Billion,” Joint Report Prepared For: Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Sen. Bryon L. Borgan, United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform Minority Staff Special Investigations Division and United States Senate Democratic Policy Committee, June 27, 2005; Phyllis Bennis, Erik Leaver, the IPS Iraq Task Force, “The Iraq Quagmire,” Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy, Aug. 31, 2005; “Mothers Say Mistakes Led to Fallujah Tragedy,” ABC News, Nov. 10, 2005; Bing West, No True Glory; John J. Dwyer, “The Apple of His Eye,” lewrockwell.com, July 21, 2006; Larry Schweikart, A Patriot’s History of the United States, 2007; Chris Casteel, “On Iraq trip, a close call,” The Oklahoman, Aug. 31, 2007; Robert McElvaine, “’Bring ‘Em On!’ – The Fifth Anniversary of Bush’s Declaration of Indecency,” HuffPost, July 10, 2008; “Bush’s War,” Frontline, PBS, 2008; “Iraq War vet running for Congress,” Edmond Life & Leisure, Mar. 12, 2009; “Former OCPA President Hopper Smith being deployed to Afghanistan,” Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, June 1, 2011; John Nichols, “The Chapter That Went Missing from Dick Cheney’s Book,” The Nation, Aug. 27, 2011; Michael M. Phillips, “Launching the Missile That Made History,” Wall Street Journal, Oct. 1, 2011; Bob Nigh, “Construction Begins on Chapel at Camp Gruber,” Baptist Messenger, Nov. 7, 2011; “Fallin dedicates chapel at Camp Gruber,” KJRH-TV, June 2, 2012; Paul D. Shinkman, “After Iraq: How a Decade of War Has Shaped the U.S. Military,” U.S. News & World Report, Mar. 19, 2013; Chris McKinnon, “Michael Behenna Reflects On His Incarceration, Release,” KWTV News9, Mar. 25, 2014; Mike Fish, “Enduring Guilt,” ESPN, Apr. 22, 2014; Kendrick Marshall, “Mother of police shooting victim: Son suffered from PTSD, but she doesn't blame officers,” Tulsa World, May 23, 2014; “The Suicide Epidemic Among US Soldiers,” KWTV News9, July 17, 2014; Mike Huston, author interviews, 2014, 2015; Bill Sherman, “Man who likely shot NFL’s Pat Tillman to speak about guilt, road to recovery at local church,” Tulsa World, July 25, 2015; Michael Mandelbaum, Mission Failure: America and the World in the Post-Cold War Era; Ted Kemp, “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is the man who founded ISIS,” CNBC, Aug. 11, 2016; “Trump Congratulates Iraqi PM on ‘Victory,’” Newsmax, July 10, 2017; “George W. Bush Declares Mission Accomplished,” history.com; Catherine Lucey, “Bush was hauted by his own ‘Mission Accomplished,’” Associated Press, Apr. 14, 2018; “Ever Forward: Oklahoma’s Fighting 45th,” Citizen-Soldier, June 15, 2018; Christopher Woody, “A fighting war with the main enemy: How the CIA helped land a mortal blow to the Soviets in Afghanistan 32 years ago,” Business Insider, Oct. 2, 2018; Rick Johnson, author interviews, 2018, 2020; Hopper Smith, biography, Oklahoma National Guard; Steven Elliott, interview, 2019; Kate Sullivan, “Trump pardons former army soldier sentenced for killing Iraqi prisoner,” CNN, May 7, 2019; “Whistleblower exposes $7 billion no-bid Defense Department contract,” CBS News, June 30, 2019; “September 11 Hijackers Fast Facts,” CNN, Sept. 8, 2019; Whitney Webb, “Bush Goes to Rehab: The Role of The ‘Resistance’ In Normalizing War Crimes,” Ron Paul Institute, Nov. 6, 2019; Craig Whitlock, “At War With the Truth,” Washington Post, Dec. 9, 2019; Bart Emerling, author interview, 2019; Brian Anderson, author interviews, 2019, 2020; Corey Simmons, author interview, 2020; Meghann Meyers, “‘We’re going to stay in Iraq,’ says top US Middle East commander,” Military Times, Apr. 22, 2021.
Christina Allick Hopper: Kelley D. Evans, “Meet the first African American female fighter pilot to fly in war,” Andscape, Aug. 31, 2016; Tim Branson, “Christine Hopper: Bible Thumping Fighter Pilot,” CBN; Christina Allick Hopper, “When I Feel Out of Control,” sermon, Emmanuel Enid Baptist Church, Oct. 11, 2020.
Mo Anderson: Mo Anderson, A Joy-Filled Life; Mo Anderson, author interviews, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021; Ericka Andersen Sylvester, “What I Saw at the National Prayer Breakfast,” Independent Women’s Forum, Feb. 11, 2019; Richard Anderson, author interview, 2019.
Oil & Gas: Joan Biskupic, “Duncan Rallying Behind Oil Refinery,” Daily Oklahoman, June 5, 1983; Christopher Helman, “Billionaire Harold Hamm Hits Back Against WSJ Allegations,” Forbes, May 14, 2013; Christopher Welman, “Harold Hamm: The Billionaire Oilman Fueling America’s Recovery,” Forbes, May 5, 2014; “Ames Astrobleme Museum,” American Oil & Gas Historical Society, May 25, 2014; Paul Fairchild, “The Ames Crater,” Oklahoma Magazine, Feb. 25, 2016; “The History of Regulation,” NaturalGas.org; Russell Gold, “How Aubrey McClendon Led Today’s Energy Revolution,” Wall Street Journal, Mar. 4, 2016; “The Difference Between Dry and Wet Gas,” analyticaltechnology.com, May 23, 2018; Javier Blas, “The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years,” Bloomberg, Dec. 6, 2018; Simon Lack, “American Energy Independence is Imminent,” Forbes, Jan. 28, 2019; Madison Weaver, “Wet Natural Gas v. Dry Natural Gas, What’s the Difference,” Natural Gas Now, Feb. 21, 2019; Jay Jimerson, author interviews, 2019, 2020, 2021; Alan Neuhauser, “U.S. Nears ‘Energy Independence,’” U. S. News & World Report, July 26, 2019; “Energy Independence,” Senate Republican Policy Committee, July 30, 2019; Loren Steffy, “The first Barnett Shale gas well,” Dallas Morning News, Oct. 6, 2019; Ben Wolfgang, “Trump takes victory lap after securing major oil deal, but analysts remain skeptical,” Washington Times, Apr. 13, 2020.
Aubrey McClendon: Bill White, “Energy industry owes thanks to Chesapeake,” The Oklahoman, May 26, 2012; John Shiffman, Anna Driver, Brian Grow, “Special Report: The lavish and leveraged life of Aubrey McClendon,” Reuters, June 7, 2012; Jessica Resnick-Ault, Ernest Scheyder, “A flawed visionary, McClendon ignited shale revolution, courted controversy,” Reuters, Mar. 2, 2016; Bryan Gruley, Joe Carroll, Asjylyn Loder, “The Incredible Rise and Final Hours of Fracking King Aubrey McClendon,” Bloomberg Business Week, Mar. 10, 2016; Loren Steffy, “Out of Gas,” Texas Monthly, July 2016; Jay Jimerson, author interview, 2019; David Rainbolt, author interview, 2019; Chris Gordon, author interviews, 2019, 2020; Nolan Clay, “Why did deadly OKC bridge not get fixed?” The Oklahoman, Jan. 30, 2020; Nolan Clay, “Guardrails go up at deadly bridge,” The Oklahoman, Feb. 13, 2020.
George Kaiser: “Herman Kaiser Dies; Services Set Sunday,” Tulsa World, Oct. 15, 1992; Kyle Hinchey, “Would you move to Tulsa for $10,000? The George Kaiser Family Foundation has an offer,” Tulsa World, Nov. 13, 2018; “World’s Greatest Places 2019: The Gathering Place,” Time; “Harold Hamm and George Kaiser are ranked among the world’s billionaires,” OK Energy Today, Mar. 6, 2019; Sergio Chapa, “From Boston to Bangladesh: Houston area company emerges as global leader in offshore LNG industry,” Houston Chronicle, Mar. 7, 2019; Jacob Howland, “Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire’s Raid on the University of Tulsa,” The Nation, June 20, 2019; Bob Blackburn, author interview, 2019; Stephen Pingry, “Gallery: Gathering Place playground among ‘world’s greatest’ as named by National Geographic,” Tulsa World, Aug. 6, 2019; Taylor Newcomb, “Tulsa’s Gathering Place Earns Top Honors In 1st Year of Operation,” KOTV, Sept. 9, 2019.
Sharen Jester Turney: Melanie Wells, “Cosmetic Improvement,” Forbes, Nov. 13, 2000; Sharen Jester Turney, Oklahoma Hall of Fame, 2015; Sharen Jester Turney, Acceptance Remarks, Oklahoma Hall of Fame Ceremony, 2015; Heidi Law, “From farm girl to lingerie empress: Sharen Jester Turney,” Fashion United, Dec. 28, 2018; Sharen Jester Turney, author interview, 2020.
Moore Tornadoes: Ken Raymond, “Twisters tear across city,” The Oklahoman, May 9, 2013; Berry Tramel, “Moore neighborhood torn up, again,” The Oklahoman, May 9, 2013; Randy Ellis, “‘It Took It All,’” The Oklahoman, May 20, 2013; Juliana Keeping, “Area near Bethel Acres reduced to splinters,” The Oklahoman, May 20, 2013; J. E. McReynolds, “May 20, 2013: Another storm, another prayer,” The Oklahoman, May 21, 2013; Bryan Painter, “More storms may be ahead Monday,” The Oklahoman, May 20, 2013; Berry Tramel, “Worse than May 3rd,” The Oklahoman, May 21, 2013; Jennifer Welsh, Pamela Engel, “Sophisticated Tornado Warning System Saved A Lot Of Lives In Oklahoma,” Business Insider, May 21, 2013; Diana Baldwin, “Edmond: Tornado strafes roofs in eastern part of city,” The Oklahoman, May 21, 2013; Adam Kemp, “Carney: damage is described as ‘unreal,’ The Oklahoman, May 20, 2013; Alan Taylor, “Photos of Tornado Damage in Moore, Oklahoma,” The Atlantic, May 21, 2013; Steven Nelson, “Many Dead After Tornado Cuts Across Moore, Okla.,” U.S. News & World Report, May 21, 2013; Diana Baldwin, “Victims Tell Their Stories,” The Oklahoman, May 22, 2013; Berry Tramel, “When Moore Gets Hit, ‘We Kick Back,’” The Oklahoman, May 22, 2013; Dan Devine, “Russell Westbrook, Thunder visit victims at Oklahoma children’s hospital,” Yahoo Sports, May 22, 2013; Edgar Sandoval, Corky Siemaszko, Stephen Rex Brown, “Oklahoma teachers hailed as heroes for selfess acts that saved kids,” New York Daily News, May 22, 2013; “Oklahoma natives Blake Shelton, Carrie Underwood come to aid of tornado victims,” Associated Press, May 23, 2013; Sterling Whitaker, “Carrie Underwood Donates $1 Million to Aid Oklahoma Tornado Victims,” Taste of Country; “Briarwood Elementary school teacher recalls tornado,” KOCO-TV, May 24, 2013; Tim Willert, William Crum, “Moore students return to pick up where they left off after tornado destroyed schools,” KOCO-TV, May 24, 2013; Damon Lane, “Moore tornado: A personal note from Damon Lane,” KOCO-TV, May 24, 2013; “Oklahoma teacher: ‘After tornado, the crying stopped,’” MSNBC, May 24, 2013; Andrea Eger, “Briarwood elementary principal recalls tornado moments,” Tulsa World, May 25, 2013; “Moore Principals, Teachers Share Heart-Wrenching Stories at News Conference,” KWTV News9, May 24, 2013; Elizabeth Dias, “Preaching in Moore: Faith That Stands Up to the Storm,” Time, May 26, 2013; Andrea Eger, “Teachers desperately tried to protect their students,” Tulsa World, May 26, 2013; James Nye, Associated Press, “The emotional moment hero teacher who broke her spine shielding children from tornado saw them perform on stage,” London Daily Mail, May 28, 2013; Randy Ellis, “Nature’s Fury: Tornadoes kill at least 5 in metro area,” The Oklahoman, June 1, 2013; Matt Pearce, “‘Amazing’ tornado was largest in U.S. history,” Los Angeles Times, June 4, 2013; Sean Murphy, “El Reno, Oklahoma Twister Believed to be Widest Twister on Record,” HuffPost, June 4, 2013; Larry O'Dell, “Moore,” Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture; “The May 20, 2013 Newcastle-South Oklahoma City-Moore EF-5 Tornado,” National Weather Service; Brandy McDonnell, “Toby Keith benefit concert at the University of Oklahoma raises about $2 million for United Way,” The Oklahoman, Sept. 11, 2013; Dan Thomas, “Teachers share stories of survival at Highland East Junior High,” KOCO-TV, May 29, 2013; Lacie Lowry, “Plaza Towers Teacher Gives Baby a Special Name,” KWTV News9, Jan. 22, 2014; M. Scott Carter, “Deathtrap: Moore tornado debris reveals construction flaws, code violations,” Journal Record, Feb. 20, 2014; Ben Brumfeld, “Moore, Oklahoma, looks back on tornado that killed 24 one year ago,” CNN, May 20, 2014; K. Querry, “Watch: Emily Sutton reveals never-before-seen footage from May 31 tornado,” KFOR-TV, May 31, 2014; Sam Anderson, “The Weather God of Oklahoma City,” New York Times, Aug. 9, 2013; “Teacher returns to Okla. School where tornado hit,” CBS News, Aug. 16, 2013; Jon Erdman, “El Reno Tornado Rated EF3, Widest on Record,” Weather Channel, Sept. 20, 2013; Tim Willert, “Moore students return to where they left off after tornadoes,” The Oklahoman, Aug. 20, 2014; Lance West, “‘She’s here with you,’ Hidden miracle Bible found in tornado rubble,” KFOR-TV, April 27, 2015; Dallas Franklin, “Moore tornado victims two years after May 20, 2013,” KFOR-TV, May 20, 2015; Linda Patterson, interview, The Oklahoman, Jan. 8, 2018; Sam Anderson, Boomtown, 2018; Cassandra Sweetman, “2013 teen survivor of Moore school destroyed by tornado commits suicide,” KFOR-TV, May 10, 2018; Jacob McGuire, “How Moore rebuilt following the May 20, 2013 tornado,” Norman Transcript, May 20, 2018; Rene Gutteridge, author interview, 2019; Jennifer Doan Rogers, author interview, 2019.
OU Football Game Bombing: Kyle Frederickson, “Where America Stands on Civil Rights Today: Bruce Fisher,” The Oklahoman, June 29, 2014; Phil Cross, “FOX 25 Investigates: Declassified FBI records provide new insight into 2005 OU bombing, KOKH-TV, July 13, 2016.